Tratat de administratie publica 2008
Tratat de administratie publica 2008
Pret de coperta: 120,00
114,00 lei (-5%)
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Tratat de administratie publica 2008

Pret de coperta: 120,00

114,00 lei

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Aceasta lucrare, in cadrul PREMIILOR STIINTIFICE ale Uniunii Juristilor din Romania, Societatii "Titu Maiorescu" si ale revistelor "Dreptul" si "Palatul de Justitie" pe anul 2008, a obtinul PREMIUL "PAUL NEGULESCU"

Lucrarea este redactata intr-un stil academic de exceptie, pe alocuri cu accente literare, ceea ce face lectura nu numai accesibila, dar si placuta. Este o carte vie, in pofida materiei tratate, aproape in fiecare pagina cititorului i se pune o problema, fie desprinsa din contextul informational prelucrat, fie din reflectiile proprii ale autorului. In alti termeni, cititorul este supus unei permanente provocari, adevarat, uneori, cu teze cam socante, dar acesta este rostul stiintei administratiei. Cum se stie, stiinta administratiei trebuie sa ofere solutii pentru perfectionarea administratiei, pentru administratia viitoare, pana unde merg aceste solutii este o problema care tine de autor, de curajul stiintific, de imaginatia stiintifica a acestuia ...
Recomandam, pe aceasta cale, lucrarea nu numai studentilor de la administratie publica sau stiinte politice, ci si studentilor de la "stiintele juridice", care doresc sa urmeze o cariera in administratie publica (nationala sau europeana) si, in orice caz, doctoranzilor la disciplinele Dreptului public.



    PRIMA PARTE INTRODUCERE IN STUDIUL ADMINISTRATIEI PUBLICE Capitolul I Intelesul "termenilor cheie" folositi in analiza fenomenului administrativ Sectiunea 1 - Notiunea de "societate" si sistem social Sectiunea 2 - Aspecte generale privind organizarea statului Sectiunea 3 - Puterile statului Capitolul II Curente de gandire privind administratia publica Sectiunea 1 - Puterea executiva Sectiunea 2 - Administratia publica Sectiunea 3 - Puterea administratiei Sectiunea 4 - Administratia si puterea politica   PARTEA A DOUA TEORIA CERCETÃRII ADMINISTRATIEI PUBLICE Capitolul I Administratia publicasi dreptul administrativ Sectiunea 1 - Teoria generala a dreptului administrativ Sectiunea 2 - Geneza si evolutia dreptului administrativ Capitolul II Teoria administratiei, stiinta sau stiintele administrative Sectiunea 1 - Stiinta administratiei sau Teoria administratiei Sectiunea 2 - Problema interdisciplinaritatii in cercetarea administratiei publice Capitolul III Trecut si prezent in cercetarea administratiei publice Sectiunea 1 - Trecutul, vechea dilema: stiinte administrative sau stiinta administratiei Sectiunea 2 - Prezentul, obsesia modelelor Capitolul IV Managementul public si noile metode de analiza in cercetarea administratiei publice Sectiunea 1 - Aprecieri prealabile Sectiunea 2 - Principalele tipuri de analiza a fenomenului administrativ Sectiunea 3 - Noile metode de analiza in cercetarea administratiei publice si revizuirea
    modelului liberal
    Capitolul V Perspective in cercetarea si modelarea administratiei publice Sectiunea 1 - Aspiratia spre noi modele de administratie publica Sectiunea 2 - Demitizarea imaginilor administratiei publice create prin modelele clasice Sectiunea 3 - Aparitia noilor idealuri (mituri?) Capitolul VI Dreptul si managementul: dihotomie sau complementaritate Sectiunea 1 - Constatari si observatii prealabile Sectiunea 2 - Ordinea juridicasi binomul public - privat   PARTEA A TREIA STRUCTURILE ADMINISTRATIEI PUBLICE Capitolul I Consideratii generale Sectiunea 1 - Notiunea de structura a administratiei publice Sectiunea 2 - Sistemul de relatii in care sunt implicate autoritatile administratiei publice### Capitolul II Organele sau autoritatile administratiei publice Sectiunea 1 - Clarificari terminologice Sectiunea 2 - Seful statului Sectiunea 3 - Administratia publica de stat Sectiunea 4 - Administratia publica locala Capitolul III Serviciile publice Sectiunea 1 - Regimul juridic Sectiunea 2 - Criteriile de clasificare si gestionare a serviciului public Sectiunea 3 - Centralizare, descentralizare si autonomie in organizarea serviciilor publice   PARTEA A PATRA SISTEME POLITICO - ADMINISTRATIVE Capitolul I Regimurile administrative Sectiunea 1 - Regimurile administrative Sectiunea 2 - Regionalizarea administrativa Capitolul II Guvernul si administratiile centrale. Analiza comparativa Sectiunea 1 - Guvernul central, structurile sale de conducere, informare si consultanta Capitolul III Patru exemple de structuri guvernamentale si ale administratiei publice centrale Sectiunea 1 - Marea Britanie Sectiunea 2 - Franta Sectiunea 3 - Canada Sectiunea 4 - Statele Unite ale Americii Capitolul IV Administratiile locale Sectiunea 1 - Colectivitatile locale si principalele regimuri locale Sectiunea 2 - Structurile administratiei locale in statele unitare Sectiunea 3 - Structurile administratiei locale in statele federale Sectiunea 4 - Guvernamantul local englez Capitolul V Structurile politico - administrative ale Uniunii Europene Sectiunea 1 - Consiliul Uniunii Europene (Consiliul de Ministrii) Sectiunea 2 - Comisia Europeana   PARTEA A CINCEA RESURSELE ADMINISTRATIEI PUBLICE Capitolul I Personalul din administratia publica Sectiunea 1 - Politica de personal Sectiunea 2 - Privire comparativa Sectiunea 3 - Un punct de vedere privind "cariera" functionarului public si necesitatea formarii unui corp de inalti functionari publici Capitolul II Functia publicasi functionarul public Sectiunea 1 - Regimul juridic in Romania Sectiunea 2 - Raspunderea functionarului public Sectiunea 3 - Managementul functiilor si functionarilor publici Capitolul III Baza materialasi financiara (logistica) Sectiunea 1 - Aspecte generale Sectiunea 2 - Domeniul public ### PARTEA A SASEA COMPETENTELE, ACTELE, PROCEDURILE Capitolul I Decizia administrativa, principala parghie in mecanismul de functionare a administratiei publice Sectiunea 1 - Decizia administrativa. Intelesuri Sectiunea 2 - Legalitatea deciziilor administratiei Sectiunea 3 - Executarea deciziei administrative Capitolul II Privire comparativa asupra competentelor, actelor si procedurilor administrative Sectiunea 1 - Privire generala Sectiunea 2 - Mijloacele de protectie a cetatenilor impotriva abuzurilor administratiei Sectiunea 3 - Restrictii legale si libertatea de actiune a administratiei Sectiunea 4 - Analiza comparatistasi integrarea prin drept PARTEA A SAPTEA CONTROLUL ACTIVITÃTII ADMINISTRATIEI Capitolul I Responsabilitate si raspundere in activitatea administratiei publice Sectiunea 1 - Fundamentarea juridica a raspunderii autoritatilor administratiei publice Sectiunea 2 - Raspunderea administrativa ca forma a raspunderii juridice Capitolul II Controalele politice si administrative asupra activitatii administratiei publice Sectiunea 1 - Consideratii generale privind controlul Sectiunea 2 - Controlul cetatenilor asupra administratiei Capitolul III Controlul administratiei prin justitie. Comparatii Sectiunea 1 - Jurisdictii judiciare si jurisdictii administrative Sectiunea 2 - Sisteme de contencios administrativ Capitolul IV Contenciosul administrativ in Romania Sectiunea 1 - Notiunea, geneza si evolutia contenciosului administrativ Sectiunea 2 - Procedura in contencios administrativ Sectiunea 3 - Exceptia de nelegalitate PARTEA A OPTA PRINCIPALELE PROBLEME ALE ADMINISTRATIEI CONTEMPORANE Capitolul I Derapajele statului de drept (criza dreptului) Sectiunea 1 - Evolutii contemporane ale democratiei constitutionale Sectiunea 2 - Puterea politica, administratia si justitia Capitolul II Criza administratiei Sectiunea 1 - Mecanismele declansarii crizelor Sectiunea 2 - Realitati romanesti din activitatea autoritatilor statului Sectiunea 3 - Incertitudini institutionale (Ministerul Public intre executiv si justitie) Capitolul III Modernizarea administratiei publice, necesitate obiectiva Sectiunea 1 - Democratizarea si modernizarea administratiei publice Sectiunea 2 - Prospectarea si formalizarea - instrumente necesare in modernizarea administratiei publice Sectiunea 3 - Cerintele unei posibile strategii de accelerare a modernizarii administratiei publice romanesti ### PARTEA A NOUA SCENARII PRIVIND VIITORUL ADMINISTRATIEI PUBLICE Capitolul I Analiza relatiilor fundamentale ale administratiei cu mediul, conditia proiectarii unor scenarii privind evolutia acesteia Sectiunea 1 - Echilibrul modelului democratic de administratie publica Sectiunea 2 - Dezechilibre posibile in modelul democratic de administratie publica. Scenarii de transformare Sectiunea 3 - Tipuri de strategii posibile in proiectarea unor scenarii privind viitorul administratiei publice Capitolul II Incercare de diagnoza a modelului democratic de administratie publica Sectiunea 1 - Variantele modelului democratic de administratie publica Sectiunea 2 - Definirea modelului prin starea constantelor   PARTEA A ZECEA ADMINISTRATIA PUBLICÃSI INTEGRAREA EUROPEANÃ Capitolul I De la administratia nationala la o administratie europeana Sectiunea 1 - Idealul modelului european de administratie publica Sectiunea 2 - Spatiul Administrativ European (SAE) Capitolul II ........................................................................................ Regionalizarea si cooperarea interregionala in procesul de integrare europeana Sectiunea 1 - Clarificari terminologice Sectiunea 2 - Rolul statului-natiune in procesul de integrare europeana Capitolul III Romania in Uniunea Europeana Sectiunea 1 - Dificultatile aderarii Romaniei la U.E. Sectiunea 2 - Necesitatea continuarii reformarii institutiilor U.E. FIRST PART AN APPROACH TO A STUDY ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Chapter I The meaning of the "key-terms" used in the analysis of the administrative phenomenon Section 1 - The concept of "society" and of "social system" Section 2 - General ideas concerning the organisation of the state Section 3 - The state powers Chapter II Opinion tendencies in public administration Section 1 - Executive power Section 2 - The public administration Section 3 - The power of the administration Section 4 - The administration and the political power   SECOND PART THE THEORY OF THE RESEARCH IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Chapter I The public administration and the administrative law Section 1 - The general theory of the administrative law Section 2 - The genesis and the evolution of the administrative law ###Chapter II The theory of administration, the administrative science or sciences Section 1 - The science of administration or the Theory of administration Section 2 - The matter of interdisciplinarity within the research of the public administration Chapter III The past and the present in the research of the public administration Section 1 - The past, the old dilemma: administrative sciences or the science of the administration Section 2 - The present, the obsession of models Chapter IV The public management and the new methods of analysis within the research of the public administration Section 1 - Some preliminary ideas Section 2 - The main types of analysis of the administrative phenomenon Section 3 - New methods of analysis in the research of the public administration and the review of the liberal model Chapter V Prospects in researching and shaping the public administration Section 1 - Aiming for new models in public administration Section 2 - The abatement from the mythical character of the image of the public administration created by the classical model Section 3 - The emergence of new ideals Chapter VI Law and management: dichotomy or complementarity Section 1 - Preliminary findings and observations Section 2 - The legal order and the binomination public-private THIRD PART THE STRUCTURES OFTHE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Chapter I General aspects Section 1 - The concept of structure of the public Section 2 - The relationship system in which the authorities of the public administration
    are involved
    Chapter II The bodies or the authorities of the public administration Section 1 - Terminological clarifications Section 2 - The head of state Section 3 - The state public administration Section 4 - The local public administration Chapter III Public services Section 1 - The legal regime Section 2 - The criteria for the classification and the management of the public service Section 3 - Centralization, decentralization and autonomy in organizing the public service   FOURTH PART POLITICAL-ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS Chapter I The administrative regimes Section 1 - The administrative regimes Section 2 - The administrative regionalization Chapter II The Government and the central administrations. Comparative analysis Section 1 - The central government and its structures of leadership, information, control and consulting### Chapter III Four examples of Governmental and Central Public Administration Structures Section 1 - United Kingdom Section 2 - France Section 3 - Canada Section 4 - United States of America Chapter IV Local administrations Section 1 - Local Communities and the Main Local Governments Section 2 - Local Administration Structures in unitary states Section 3 - Local Administration Structures in federal states Section 4 - The British Local Government Chapter V The political-administrative structures of the European Union Section 1 - The Council of the European Union (The Council of Ministers) Section 2 - The European Commission   FIFTH PART RESOURCES OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Chapter I The staff in public administration Section 1 - The staff policy Section 2 - Comparative view Section 3 - A point of view on the public servant`s "career" and the necessity of forming a body of high public servants Chapter II The public service and the public servant Section 1 - The legal regime in Romania Section 2 - The liability of the public servant Section 3 - The management of the public service and servants Chapter III Material and financial resources (logistics) Section 1 - General considerations Section 2 - The public domain SIXTH PART COMPETENCIES, ACTS, PROCEDURES Chapter I The administrative decision, the main lever for the functioning of the public administration Section 1 - The administrative decision. Concepts Section 2 - The legality of the decisions of the administration Section 3 - The execution of the administrative decision Chapter II A comparative overview on the administrative competencies, acts and procedures Section 1 - General overview Section 2 - Means to protect the citizens against the abuses of the administration Section 3 - Legal restrictions and the freedom to act of the Administration Section 4 - A comparative analysis and the integration by means of law ### SEVENTH PART THE CONTROL OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE ADMINISTRATION Chapter I Responsibility and liability within the activity of the public administration Section 1 - The legal foundation of the liability of the authorities of the public administration Section 2 - The administrative liability as a form of legal liability Chapter II The administrative and political controls on the public administration Section 1 - General considerations concerning the control Section 2 - The control of the citizens on the administration Chapter III The control of the administration through justice. Comparisons Section 1 - Judicial and administrative jurisdictions Section 2 - System of administrative disputes claims courts Chapter IV The administrative disputes claims in Romania Section 1 - The concept, the origin and the development of the administrative disputes claims Section 2 - The proceedings on administrative disputes claims Section 3 - The illegality claim EIGHTH PART THE MAIN ISSUES OF CONTEMPORARY ADMINISTRATION Chapter I The side-slips of the state under the rule of law (the crisis of the law) Section 1 - Contemporary evolutions of constitutional democracy Section 2 - The political power, the administration and the justice Chapter II The crisis of the administration Section 1 - The mechanisms for starting the crisis Section 2 - Romanian realities within the activity of the state authorities Section 3 - Institutional uncertainties (The Public Ministry between executive and justice) Chapter III The modernization of the public administration, an objective necessity Section 1 - The democratization and the modernization of the public administration Section 2 - Prospecting and formalization - necessary instrument for the modernization of the public administration Section 3 - The necessities of a possible strategy to accelerate the modernizing of the Romanian public administration   NINETH PART SCENARIOS ON THE FUTURE OF THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Chapter I The analysis of the fundamental relations of the administration with the environment, a condition for projecting scenarios on its development Section 1 - The equilibrium of the democratic model of public administration Section 2 - Possible gaps in the equilibrium of the democratic model in public administration. Scenarios for transformation Section 3 - Types of possible strategies in the projection of scenarios on the future of the public administration Chapter II An attempt to diagnose the democratic model of public administration Section 1 - The variants of the democratic model of public administration Section 2 - The definition of the model by means of the state of the certainties ### TENTH PART THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION Chapter I From a national administration to an European administration Section 1 - The ideal of the European model in public administration Section 2 - The European Administrative Territory (EAT) Chapter II Regionalization and interregional cooperation in the process of European integration Section 1 - Terminological clarifications Section 2 - The role of the nation-state in the process of European Integration Chapter III Romania within the European Union Section 1 - The difficulties in the accession of Romania to the E.U. Section 2 - The need to continue the reform of the E.U. institutions

  • Titlu: Tratat de administratie publica 2008
  • Pret: 120,00 RON
  • ISBN: 978-973-127-080-7
  • Format: Acad 17x24, legat, cartonat, cu semn de carte
  • Pagini: 972
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