Drept procesual civil vol.I - II. Editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita
Drept procesual civil vol.I - II. Editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita
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Drept procesual civil vol.I - II. Editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita

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Lucrarea "Drept procesual civil", semnata de D-na conf. univ. dr. Mihaela Tabarca, judecator la Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, reprezinta un valoros curs universitar, distins cu Premiul "Istrate Micescu" al Uniunii Juristilor din Romania, destinat in primul rand pentru uzul studentilor, dar prin problemele teoretice si practice semnalate, constituie si un pretios instrument de lucru pentru practicieni si alti specialisti ai dreptului.

Din cuprins:

Volumul I

- Principiile fundamentale ale procesului civil
- Actiunea civila
- Participantii la procesul civil
- Competenta
- Actele de procedura si termenele procedurale
- Judecata in prima instanta

Volumul II
- Caile de atac
- Proceduri speciale
- Arbitrajul



    1. Dreptul procesual civil

    1.1. Definitie

    1.2. Caracterele dreptului procesual civil

    2. Normele dreptului procesual civil

    2.1. Clasificarea normelor dreptului procesual civil in functie de obiect

    A) Aspecte generale

    B) Importanta clasificarii

    1. Importanta clasificarii atunci cand exista un conflict in timp

    al normelor de drept procesual

    1.1. Norme de organizare judiciara

    1.2. Norme de competenta

    1.3. Norme de procedura propriu-zisa

    2. Importanta clasificarii datorita consecintelor ce decurg

    din calificarea normei procesuale

    2.2. Clasificarea normelor dreptului procesual civil in functie

    de intinderea campului de aplicare

    A) Aspecte generale

    B) Importanta clasificarii

    2.3. Clasificarea normelor dreptului procesual civil in functie de caracterul

    conduitei pe care o prescriu

    A) Aspecte generale

    B) Importanta clasificarii

    3. Procesul civil

    3. 1. Definitie

    3. 2. Fazele si etapele procesului civil

    4. Principiile fundamentale ale procesului civil

    a) Principiul legalitatii

    b) Principiul independentei judecatorului

    c) Principiul organizarii justitiei pe sistemul dublului grad de jurisdictie

    d) Principiul egalitatii partilor in fata justitiei

    e) Principiul liberului acces la justitie

    f) Principiul dreptului la un proces echitabil si la solutionarea cauzelor

    intr-un termen rezonabil

    g) Justitia e gratuita

    h) Jurisdictiile sunt permanente si sedentare

    i) Principiul colegialitatii

    j) Principiul contradictorialitatii

    k) Principiul dreptului de aparare

    l) Principiul rolului activ al judecatorului

    m) Principiul disponibilitatii

    n) Principiul publicitatii

    o) Principiul oralitatii

    p) Principiul nemijlocirii

    r) Principiul continuitatii si stabilitatii completelor de judecata

    s) Principiul desfasurarii dezbaterilor in limba romana


    1. Declansarea procesului civil

    2. Actiunea civila. Definitie

    3. Elementele actiunii civile

    4. Conditiile de exercitiu ale actiunii civile

    4.1. Afirmarea unui drept

    A) Conditii de exercitare a dreptului

    B) Sanctiunea pentru lipsa dreptului

    4.2. Interesul

    A) Notiune. Particularitati

    B) Conditiile interesului

    C) Sanctiunea lipsei interesului

    4.3. Calitatea procesuala

    A) Notiune

    B) Justificarea calitatii procesuale

    C) Transmiterea calitatii procesuale

    D) Sanctiunea lipsei calitatii procesuale

    4.4. Capacitatea procesuala

    4.4.1. Capacitatea procesuala de folosinta

    A) Notiune. Particularitati

    B) Sanctiunea lipsei capacitatii procesuale de folosinta

    4.4.2. Capacitatea procesuala de exercitiu

    A) Notiune. Particularitati

    B) Decizii asupra recursului in interesul legii

    C) Sanctiunea lipsei capacitatii procesuale de exercitiu

    5. Clasificarea actiunilor civile

    5.1. Clasificarea actiunilor in functie de scopul material urmarit de reclamant

    5.2. Clasificarea actiunilor in functie de natura dreptului

    care se valorifica prin actiune

    5.3. Clasificarea actiunilor in functie de calea procedurala

    aleasa de parte pentru valorificarea dreptului sau###


    1. Instanta

    1.1. Semnificatia notiunii

    1.2. Compunerea si constituirea instantei

    A) Compunerea instantei

    B) Constituirea instantei

    1.3. Incidente procedurale privind compunerea sau constituirea instantei

    1.3.1. Incompatibilitatea

    A) Cazurile de incompatibilitate

    B) Procedura de solutionare a incompatibilitatii

    1.3.2. Abtinerea si recuzarea

    A) Notiune

    B) Cazuri

    C) Asemanari si deosebiri

    D) Procedura de solutionare a abtinerii si recuzarii

    2. Partile

    2.1. Coparticiparea procesuala

    A) Notiune. Particularitati

    B) Efectele coparticiparii procesuale

    2.2. Participarea tertilor in procesul civil

    2.2.1. Interventia voluntara Interventia principala

    A) Natura juridica. Termen de depunere

    B) Admisibilitatea in diferite materii

    C) Procedura de judecata a cererii de interventie. Solutii Interventia accesorie

    A) Natura juridica. Termen de depunere

    B) Admisibilitatea in diferite materii

    C) Procedura de judecata a cererii de interventie. Solutii

    2.2.2. Interventia fortata Chemarea in judecata a altor persoane

    A) Notiune. Particularitati. Termen de depunere

    B) Procedura de judecata a cererii de chemare in judecata a altor persoane

    1. Calitatea procesuala a intervenientului fortat

    1.1. Particularitati

    1.2. Calitatea procesuala poate fi invocata pe cale de exceptie?

    2. Judecata cererii Chemarea in garantie

    A) Notiune. Particularitati. Termen de depunere

    B) Admisibilitatea in diferite materii

    C) Procedura de judecata a cererii de chemare in garantie. Solutii Aratarea titularului dreptului

    A) Notiune. Particularitati

    B) Procedura de solutionare a cererii de aratare a titularului dreptului

    2.3. Reprezentarea conventionala a persoanelor fizice si juridice

    2.3.1. Reprezentarea conventionala a persoanelor fizice###

    A) Reprezentarea prin mandatar neavocat

    1. Procura. Particularitati

    2. Punerea de concluzii de catre mandatar

    3. Incetarea mandatului judiciar

    4. Reprezentarea magistratului

    B) Reprezentarea prin avocat

    2.3.2. Reprezentarea conventionala a persoanelor juridice

    2.3.3. Reprezentarea asigurata de consilierul in proprietate industriala

    2.3.4. Sanctiunea lipsei dovezii calitatii de reprezentant

    3. Procurorul

    3.1. Formele participarii procurorului la procesul civil

    A) Pornirea procesului civil

    B) Participarea la judecata procesului civil

    C) Exercitarea cailor de atac

    D) Cererea de punere in executare a hotararilor judecatoresti



    1. Notiune. Clasificarea competentei

    2. Competenta generala

    2.1. Competenta in materia controlului de constitutionalitate

    2.2. Competenta in materie electorala

    2.3. Competenta in materia contenciosului administrativ

    2.4. Competenta in alte materii

    2.4.1. Competenta in materia litigiilor de munca

    2.4.2. Competenta in materia exercitarii drepturilor si indatoririlor parintesti

    2.4.3. Competenta in materia actelor de stare civila

    2.4.4. Competenta cu privire la nume

    2.4.5. Competenta in materie succesorala

    2.4.6. Competenta in materia protectiei copilului

    3. Competenta materiala

    3.1. Competenta materiala a judecatoriei

    A) Competenta privind judecata in prima instanta

    B) Competenta privind judecata in ultima instanta

    C) Competenta privind judecata in alte materii date prin lege

    D) Decizii asupra recursului in interesul legii

    3.2. Competenta materiala a tribunalului

    A) Competenta privind judecata in prima instanta

    B) Competenta privind judecata in apel

    C) Competenta privind judecata in recurs

    D) Competenta privind judecata in alte materii date prin lege

    3.3. Competenta materiala a curtii de apel

    A) Competenta privind judecata in prima instanta###

    B) Competenta privind judecata in apel

    C) Competenta privind judecata in recurs

    D) Competenta privind judecata in alte materii date prin lege

    3.4. Competenta materiala a Inaltei Curti de Casatie si Justitie

    A) Competenta privind judecata in recurs

    B) Competenta privind judecata recursului in interesul legii

    C) Competenta privind judecata in alte materii date prin lege

    4. Competenta teritoriala

    4.1. Competenta teritoriala de drept comun

    4.2. Competenta teritoriala alternativa

    4.3. Competenta teritoriala exclusiva

    5. Prorogarea de competenta

    5.1. Prorogarea legala de competenta

    5.2. Prorogarea judecatoreasca de competenta

    5.2.1. Stramutarea pricinilor.

    A) Motive

    B) Procedura de judecata

    5.3. Prorogarea conventionala de competenta

    6. Incidente procedurale privitoare la competenta

    6.1. Exceptia de necompetenta

    A) Invocare

    B) Clasificare

    C) Solutii

    D) Hotararea de declinare a competentei. Particularitati

    6.2. Conflictele de competenta

    A) Definitie. Feluri

    B) Procedura de solutionare

    7. Competenta de solutionare a litigiilor nascute dintr-un raport de drept international privat in materie civila si comerciala###


    1. Actele de procedura

    1.1. Definitie

    1.2. Clasificarea actelor de procedura

    1.3. Conditiile pentru indeplinirea actelor de procedura

    1.4. Sanctiunea nerespectarii conditiilor privitoare la actele de procedura

    1.4.1. Nulitatea actului de procedura. Definitie

    1.4.2. Clasificarea nulitatilor actelor de procedura

    1.4.3. Cazurile de nulitate a actelor de procedura

    A) Necompetenta instantei

    B) Incalcarea formelor procedurale si necompetenta functionarului

    C) Alte cazuri de nulitate neconditionata

    1.4.4. Mijloacele de invocare a nulitatii

    A) Exceptia nulitatii

    B) Actul de procedura prin care este solutionata exceptia nulitatii

    1.4.5. Efectele nulitatii

    2. Termenele procedurale

    2.1. Definitie

    2.2. Clasificarea termenelor procedurale

    2.3. Calculul termenelor procedurale

    2.4. Durata termenelor procedurale

    2.5. Sanctiunea pentru nerespectarea conditiilor privitoare la termenele procedurale

    2.5.1. Decaderea.

    A) Definitie

    B) Conditiile decaderii

    C) Cazurile in care intervine decaderea

    D) Cazurile in care nu intervine decaderea

    2.5.2. Efectele decaderii

    2.5.3. Repunerea in termen



    1. Amenzi judiciare

    2. Despagubiri

    3. Aplicarea amenzii si stabilirea despagubirii

    4. Cererea de reexaminare###



    I. Etapa scrisa

    1. Reguli generale privind cererile in justitie

    2. Proceduri prealabile sesizarii instantei

    2.1. Cazuri

    A) Procedura prealabila prevazuta de Legea nr. 554/2004

    B) Procedura prealabila a concilierii directe

    C) Reclamatia prealabila adresata furnizorului de servicii postale

    3. Cereri principale

    3.1. Cererea de chemare in judecata

    A) Cuprins

    B) Particularitati privitoare la cuprinsul cererii introductive de instanta

    C) Sanctiunea ce intervine pentru lipsa unui element al cererii de chemare in judecata

    1. Sanctiunea pentru lipsa elementelor esentiale ale cererii de chemare in judecata

    2. Sanctiunea pentru lipsa celorlalte elemente ale cererii de chemare in judecata

    D) Timbrarea cererii de chemare in judecata

    E) Introducerea cererii de chemare in judecata, constituirea si repartizarea dosarului

    1.1. Introducerea cererii

    1.2. Constituirea dosarului

    1.3. Repartizarea dosarului

    1.3.1. Regula - repartizarea in sistem informatic

    1.3.2. Exceptia - repartizarea prin metoda sistemului ciclic

    1.3.3. Aspecte comune privitoare la repartizarea aleatorie

    1.3.4. Incidente procedurale privitoare la compunerea completului

    F) Efectele introducerii cererii de chemare in judecata

    3.2. Alte cereri principale

    4. Cereri incidentale

    4.1. Intampinarea

    A) Cuprins

    B) Procedura intampinarii

    C) Caracterul obligatoriu al intampinarii. Exceptii

    D) Sanctiunea nedepunerii intampinarii

    4.2. Cererea reconventionala

    A) Definitie. Scop

    B) Caracterul facultativ al cererii reconventionale. Exceptii

    C) Continutul cererii reconventionale

    D) Termenul de depunere

    E) Procedura de judecata

    4.3. Masurile asiguratorii

    4.3.1. Sechestrul asigurator

    A) Definitie

    B) Conditii de infiintare

    C) Procedura de infiintare a sechestrului asigurator

    1. Instanta competenta

    2. Reguli privind judecata. Particularitati

    3. Calea de atac

    4. Cautiunea

    D) Desfiintarea sechestrului asigurator

    E) Executarea sechestrului asigurator

    F) Ridicarea sechestrului asigurator

    G) Valorificarea bunurilor sechestrate asigurator

    4.3.2. Poprirea asiguratorie

    4.3.3. Sechestrul judiciar

    A) Definitie

    B) Conditii de infiintare

    C) Procedura de infiintare a sechestrului judiciar

    1. Instanta competenta

    2. Reguli privind judecata

    3. Calea de atac

    4. Numirea administratorului provizoriu

    5. Cautiunea

    6. Inscrierea in cartea funciara

    7. Autoritatea de lucru judecat

    D) Administratorul-sechestru

    E) Incetarea sechestrului judiciar

    4.3.4. Asemanari si deosebiri intre sechestrul asigurator si sechestrul judiciar

    A) Asemanari

    B) Deosebiri

    5. Citarea si comunicarea actelor de procedura

    5.1.Reguli generale. Caracterul normelor care reglementeaza citarea

    5.2. Termenul in cunostinta

    A) Regula

    B) Exceptia

    C) Preschimbarea termenului luat in cunostinta

    5.3. Citarea prin publicitate

    5.4. Citatia. Cuprins

    5.5. Persoanele care se citeaza. Reguli speciale

    5.6. Inmanarea citatiei si a altor acte de procedura

    A) Cine face comunicarea

    B) Termenul in care se face comunicarea

    C) Locul unde se face comunicarea

    1. Regula

    2. Cazuri speciale

    D) Situatiile ce pot aparea la inmanarea actului de procedura

    E) Inmanarea citatiei unei persoane juridice

    F) Dovada inmanarii citatiei sau actului de procedura

    5.7. Comunicarea de acte judiciare si extrajudiciare in si din strainatate

    A) Comunicarea de acte in strainatate

    1. State care nu sunt membre ale Uniunii Europene

    2. State membre ale Uniunii Europene

    B) Comunicarea de acte din strainatate

    II. Etapa dezbaterilor

    1. Sedinta de judecata

    1.1. Activitatea premergatoare sedintei de judecata

    1.2. Activitatea in timpul sedintei de judecata

    A) Rolul grefierului de sedinta

    B) Conducerea sedintei de judecata. Politia sedintei

    C) Apelul participantilor la judecata. Referatul grefierului de sedinta

    D) Masuri care pot fi dispuse in dosare

    1. Amanarea procesului

    2. Suspendarea judecatii

    3. Solutionarea pricinii

    E) Termenul de solutionare a pricinilor

    1.3. Activitatea ulterioara sedintei de judecata. Incheierile de sedinta

    A) Actele de procedura indeplinite de grefier dupa terminarea sedintei

    B) Incheierea de sedinta

    2. Prima zi de infatisare

    A) Definitie. Particularitati

    B) Functia procedurala

    3. Exceptiile procesuale

    3.1. Definitie

    3.2. Natura juridica

    3.3. Clasificarea exceptiilor procesuale

    A) Exceptii de procedura si exceptii de fond

    B) Exceptii dilatorii si exceptii peremptorii

    C) Exceptii absolute si relative

    3.4. Raportul dintre exceptiile procesuale si inadmisibilitati

    3.5. Procedura de solutionare a exceptiilor procesuale

    A) Conditii de invocare a exceptiilor procesuale

    B) Judecata exceptiilor procesuale

    1. Regula

    2. Exceptia

    3. Ordinea de solutionare a exceptiilor invocate concomitent

    4. Probele

    4.1. Definitie

    4.2. Obiectul si sarcina probei

    4.2.1. Obiectul probei

    4.2.2. Sarcina probei

    A) Regula

    B) Exceptia

    4.3. Reguli generale in legatura cu admisibilitatea, administrarea

    si aprecierea probelor

    4.3.1. Admisibilitatea probelor

    4.3.2. Administrarea probelor

    A) Propunerea probelor

    1. Regula

    1.1. Sanctiunea

    2. Exceptia

    2.1. Sanctiunea

    3. Aspecte comune privitoare la propunerea probelor

    B) Incuviintarea probelor

    C) Administrarea propriu-zisa a probelor

    4.3.3. Aprecierea probelor

    4.4. Mijloacele de proba

    4.4.1. Proba prin inscrisuri

    A) Definitia inscrisurilor

    B) Clasificarea inscrisurilor

    C) Inscrisul autentic

    1. Definitie

    2. Avantajele inscrisului autentic

    3. Puterea probatorie a inscrisului autentic

    4. Conversiunea inscrisului autentic

    D) Inscrisul sub semnatura privata

    1. Definitie

    2. Conditii generale de valabilitate

    3. Conditii speciale de valabilitate

    3.1. Formalitatea multiplului exemplar

    3.1.1. Cazuri in care este necesara formalitatea

    3.1.2. Cazuri cand nu se cere formalitatea multiplului exemplar

    3.1.3. Sanctiunea

    3.2. Mentiunea "bun si aprobat"

    3.2.1. Cazuri in care este necesara formalitatea

    3.2.2. Cazuri cand nu se cere mentiunea "bun si aprobat"

    3.2.3. Sanctiunea

    4. Puterea probatorie a inscrisului sub semnatura privata

    5. Data inscrisului sub semnatura privata

    5.1. In raporturile dintre parti

    5.2. Fata de terti

    5.2.1. Cine sunt tertii?

    5.2.2. Data certa

    6. Inscrisul in forma electronica

    E) Administrarea probei prin inscrisuri

    1. Depunerea inscrisurilor care se afla in posesia partii care le foloseste

    2. Depunerea inscrisurilor care nu se afla in posesia partii care le foloseste

    2.1. Inscrisul se afla la cealalta parte

    2.1.1. Cazuri in care cererea de infatisare nu poate fi respinsa

    2.1.2. Cazuri in care se respinge cererea de infatisare

    2.2. Inscrisul se gaseste in pastrarea unei alte persoane sau autoritati

    2.3. Sanctiunea nedepunerii inscrisului

    3. Verificarea de scripte

    4. Procedura falsului

    4.1. Inscrisurile carora li se aplica aceasta procedura

    4.2. Procedura propriu-zisa

    4.3. Suspendarea judecatii

    4.4. Cercetarea falsului de instanta civila

    4.4.2. Proba prin declaratiile martorilor

    A) Definitie

    B) Admisibilitatea probei prin declaratiile martorilor

    1. Admisibilitatea probei testimoniale pentru dovedirea unui fapt juridic in sens restrans

    2. Admisibilitatea probei testimoniale pentru dovedirea unui act juridic

    2.1. Reguli

    2.2. Exceptii

    C) Administrarea probei prin declaratiile martorilor

    1. Propunerea martorilor

    2. Inlocuirea martorilor

    3. Persoanele care pot fi ascultate ca martori

    3.1. Regula

    3.2. Exceptia

    3.3. Persoane scutite de obligatia de a depune marturie

    4. Infatisarea si ascultarea martorilor

    4.1. Infatisarea martorilor

    4.2. Ascultarea martorilor

    4.2.1. Identificarea martorilor. Rostirea juramantului

    4.2.2. Ascultarea propriu-zisa a martorilor

    4.2.3. Consemnarea marturiei

    D) Aprecierea declaratiilor martorilor

    4.4.3. Proba prin rapoartele de expertiza

    A) Definitie

    B) Obiectul expertizei

    C) Expertiza este facultativa sau obligatorie?

    D) Administrarea probei prin raportul de expertiza

    1. Propunerea probei

    2. Numirea expertilor

    2.1. Numarul expertilor. Particularitati

    2.2. Desemnarea expertilor

    3. Stabilirea obiectivelor expertizei si a onorariului expertului

    4. Aplicarea unor dispozitii din alte materii

    4.1. Recuzarea expertului

    4.2. Citarea, aducerea cu mandat si sanctionarea expertului

    5. Efectuarea expertizei

    5.1. Moduri de efectuare###

    5.1.1. Efectuarea expertizei in instanta

    5.1.2. Efectuarea expertizei in afara instantei

    5.2. Expertiza efectuata de mai multi experti

    5.3. Termenul de depunere a raportului de expertiza

    5.4. Intregirea expertizei sau o noua expertiza

    E) Forta probanta a raportului de expertiza

    1. Regula

    2. Exceptia

    4.4.4. Cercetarea la fata locului

    4.4.5. Marturisirea Definitie Felurile marturisirii Caracterele marturisirii Admisibilitatea marturisirii Administrarea probei marturisirii. Interogatoriul

    A) Propunerea interogatoriului

    B) Obiectul interogatoriului

    C) Cine poate raspunde la interogatoriu?

    1. Regula

    2. Incapabilii

    3. Statul si celelalte persoane juridice

    4. Partea cu domiciliul in strainatate

    D) Luarea interogatoriului

    1. Punerea intrebarilor

    2. Consemnarea raspunsurilor

    3. Semnarea interogatoriului

    4. Luarea interogatoriului in afara instantei

    E) Efectele chemarii la interogatoriu

    F) Forta probanta a marturisirii

    4.4.6. Prezumtiile Definitie Clasificare

    A) Prezumtiile legale

    1. Enumerare

    2. Clasificare. Rasturnarea prezumtiilor legale

    3. Efecte

    B) Prezumtiile simple

    4.5. Asigurarea dovezilor

    4.5.1. Constatarea unei probe

    A) Cazuri

    B) Procedura de judecata

    1. Cererea.

    2. Instanta competenta

    3. Solutionarea cererii

    4. Calea de atac

    4.1. Cererea a fost facuta pe cale principala

    4.2. Cererea a fost facuta pe cale incidentala

    5. Intreruperea cursului prescriptiei

    4.5.2. Constatarea unei stari de fapt

    A) Cazuri

    B) Procedura de judecata

    1. Instanta competenta. Executorul judecatoresc competent

    2. Solutionarea cererii

    3. Procesul-verbal de constatare

    4.5.3. Aspecte comune

    5. Cercetarea procesului in cazul administrarii probelor de catre avocati

    5.1. Alegerea procedurii. Consimtamantul partilor

    5.2. Procedura prealabila administrarii probelor

    5.2.1. Obligatii ce revin instantei

    5.2.2. Obligatii ce revin partilor

    5.3. Procedura administrarii probelor

    5.3.1. Locul administrarii probelor

    5.3.2. Prelungirea termenului administrarii probelor

    5.3.3. Interventia instantei pentru solutionarea unor incidente procedurale

    5.3.4. Administrarea propriu-zisa a probelor Proba cu inscrisuri Audierea martorilor Proba prin rapoartele de expertiza Efectuarea cercetarii locale Proba cu interogatoriu

    5.3.5. Redactarea concluziilor scrise

    5.3.6. Alcatuirea si prezentarea dosarului

    5.4. Judecarea cauzei

    6. Incidente procedurale ce pot aparea in cursul judecatii

    6.1. Suspendarea judecatii

    6.1.1. Definitie. Cazuri

    6.1.2. Suspendarea voluntara

    A) Cazuri

    B) Evitarea suspendarii. Judecata in lipsa

    6.1.3. Suspendarea legala Suspendarea legala de drept

    A) Cazurile generale

    B) Alte cazuri de suspendare de drept Suspendarea legala facultativa###

    A) Cazurile generale

    B) Durata suspendarii

    C) Alte cazuri de suspendare facultativa

    6.1.4. Procedura suspendarii

    A) Incheierea de suspendare. Particularitati

    B) Redeschiderea judecatii

    1. Cine dispune repunerea pe rol?

    2. Redeschiderea in caz de suspendare voluntara

    3. Redeschiderea in caz de suspendare legala de drept

    4. Redeschiderea in caz de suspendare facultativa

    5. Respingerea cererii de redeschidere a judecatii

    6.1.5. Efectele suspendarii

    6.2. Perimarea

    6.2.1. Definitie

    6.2.2. Natura juridica

    6.2.3. Conditiile perimarii

    A) Instanta a fost investita cu o cerere care se judeca in prima instanta sau intr-o cale de atac

    B) Pricina a ramas in nelucrare in timpul prevazut de lege

    1. Termenul de perimare. Mod de calcul

    2. Intreruperea termenului de perimare

    2.1. Interesul in judecarea procesului

    2.2. Actul de intrerupere a termenului de perimare. Particularitati

    3. Suspendarea termenului de perimare

    C) Pricina a fost lasata in nelucrare din culpa partii

    6.2.4. Procedura de constatare a perimarii

    A) Verificarea conditiilor perimarii

    B) Mijloacele de invocare a perimarii

    C) Procedura de judecata

    6.2.5. Efectele perimarii

    7. Actele procesuale de dispozitie ale partilor

    7.1. Renuntarea. Cine poate sa renunte?

    A) Renuntarea la judecata

    1. Formele renuntarii

    2. Cand poate fi facuta renuntarea?

    3. Actul prin care se constata renuntarea la judecata

    4. Efectele renuntarii la judecata

    B) Renuntarea la dreptul subiectiv dedus judecatii

    1. Cand poate avea loc. Particularitati

    2. Formele renuntarii

    3. Actul prin care se ia act de renuntare

    4. Efectele renuntarii la drept###

    7.2. Achiesarea

    A) Achiesarea paratului la pretentiile reclamantului

    B) Achiesarea la hotarare

    1. Achiesarea expresa

    2. Achiesarea tacita

    7.3. Tranzactia judiciara

    7.3.1. Definitie. Particularitati

    7.3.2. Procedura consfintirii tranzactiei

    A) Forma tranzactiei

    B) Cand poate sa intervina

    C) Consfintirea tranzactiei

    D) Hotararea de expedient

    1. Continut

    2. Calea de atac

    8. Informatii cu privire la dreptul strain

    9. Contractele judiciare

    9.1. Definitie

    9.2. Contractele judiciare legale

    9.3. Contractele judiciare de executare

    9.4. Contractele judiciare propriu-zise

    III. Etapa deliberarii si pronuntarii hotararii

    1. Activitatea ulterioara inchiderii dezbaterilor

    1.1. Activitatea judecatorilor

    1.1.1. Deliberarea

    A) Inchiderea dezbaterilor. Inteles

    B) Strangerea parerilor judecatorilor

    C) Numarul de pareri necesare pentru darea solutiei

    D) Amanarea pronuntarii

    E) Completul de divergenta

    1. Notiune. Formarea completului de divergenta

    2. Obligatia motivarii divergentei

    3. Reluarea dezbaterilor in complet de divergenta

    1.1.2. Rezultatul deliberarii

    A) Minuta

    B) Decizii asupra recursului in interesul legii

    C) Condica de sedinta

    D) Pronuntarea solutiei

    E) Darea numarului hotararii

    1.2. Activitatea grefierilor

    2. Hotararea judecatoreasca

    2.1. Definitie si clasificare

    2.2. Redactarea si cuprinsul hotararii

    2.2.1. Redactarea hotararii

    2.2.2. Cuprinsul hotararii Practicaua, considerentele si dispozitivul Alte elemente

    A) Calea de atac

    B) Aratarea ca pronuntarea s-a facut in sedinta publica

    C) Semnaturile judecatorilor si grefierului

    D) Mentiuni pe ultima pagina Adaugiri, stersaturi sau schimbari Cheltuielile de judecata

    A) Continut

    B) Temeiul juridic al cheltuielilor de judecata

    C) Acordarea cheltuielilor de judecata

    D) Reguli de acordare a cheltuielilor de judecata

    E) Marirea sau reducerea cheltuielilor de judecata Termenul de gratie

    A) Conditiile acordarii

    B) Efecte

    1. Regula

    2. Exceptia. Revocarea termenului

    2.1. Cazuri de revocare

    2.2. Procedura revocarii termenului de gratie

    C) Inadmisibilitatea acordarii termenului de gratie

    2.3. Comunicarea hotararii judecatoresti

    2.4. Efectele hotararii judecatoresti

    A) Notiune. Particularitati

    B) Reglementare

    C) Efectele lucrului judecat

    D) Partea din hotarare care intra in puterea lucrului judecat

    E) Autoritatea lucrului judecat

    1. Elementele autoritatii de lucru judecat

    2. Invocarea autoritatii de lucru judecat

    3. Autoritatea de lucru judecat in civil a hotararii penale

    2.5. Investirea hotararii cu formula executorie

    2.5.1. Cazuri in care este necesara

    2.5.2. Instanta competenta

    2.5.3. Formula executorie

    2.5.4. Procedura investirii

    2.6. Executia vremelnica

    2.6.1. Notiune. Forme

    2.6.2. Executia vremelnica de drept

    2.6.3. Executia vremelnica judecatoreasca### Cazuri cand poate fi acordata Cazuri cand nu poate fi acordata Procedura de incuviintare a executiei vremelnice

    A) In prima instanta

    B) In apel

    2.6.4. Suspendarea executiei vremelnice

    2.7. Indreptarea, lamurirea si completarea hotararii

    2.7.1. Indreptarea hotararii

    A) Cand se poate dispune

    B) Procedura indreptarii

    1. Aspecte privitoare la instanta

    2. Aspecte privitoare la parti

    3. Aspecte privitoare la hotarare

    4. Actul de procedura prin care este solutionata cererea

    5. Calea de atac

    2.7.2. Lamurirea hotararii

    A) Hotararea care poate fi lamurita

    B) Partea din hotarare care poate fi lamurita

    C) Procedura de judecata

    2.7.3. Completarea hotararii

    A) Categorii de hotarari care pot fi completate

    B) Procedura de judecata


    1. Domeniu de aplicare

    2. Reguli de solutionare a cererii

    2.1. Cererea. Cuprins

    2.2. Instanta competenta

    2.3. Verificarea competentei

    2.4. Compunerea completului

    2.5. Caracterul contencios al cererii

    2.6. Actul de procedura prin care se rezolva cererea. Particularitati

    2.7. Calea de atac

    A) Recursul

    B) Competenta solutionarii recursului###


    1. Civil procedural law

    1.1. Definition

    1.2. Characteristics of civil procedural law

    2. Norms of civil procedural law

    2.1. Classification of the norms of civil procedural law

    A) Overall Issues

    B) Significance of the classification

    1. Significance of the classification when there is a conflict

    in time regarding the norms of the procedural law

    1.1. Norms of the judiciary organization

    1.2. Norms of competence

    1.3. Procedural norms per se

    2. The classification significance due to the consequences ensuing

    from the classification of the procedural norm

    2.2. Classification of civil procedural law norms depending on the extent

    of the application area

    A) Overall Issues

    B) Significance of the classification

    2.3. Classification of civil procedural law norms depending on the feature

    of the conduct that is lost by limitation

    A) Overall Issues

    B) Significance of the classification

    3. Civil lawsuit

    3.1. Definition

    3.2. Lawsuit stages and characteristics

    4. Fundamental principles of the civil lawsuit

    a) The principle of legality

    b) The judge`s independence principle

    c) The principle of organizing the justice based on the double jurisdiction

    degree system

    d) The principle of the equality of parties before justice

    e) The principle of the free access to justice

    f) The principle of the right to a fair trail and to having the causes solved

    within a reasonable timeframe

    g) Justice is free

    h) Jurisdictions are permanent and sedentary

    i) The fellowship principle

    j) The contradiction principle

    k) The principle of the right to defense

    l) The principle of the active role of the judge

    m) The principle of availability

    n) The principle of publicity

    o) The principle of orality

    p) The principle of non-interference

    r) The principle of continuity and stability of the judges` panels

    s) The principle of having the debates carried on in Romanian language###



    1. Initiating the civil lawsuit

    2. The civil action. Definition

    3. Elements of the civil action

    4. The requirements for exercising the civil action

    4.1. The assertion of a right

    A) Conditions for exercising the right

    B) Sanction for the lack of right

    4.2. The interest

    A) Concept. Particularities

    B) Conditions for the interest

    C) Sanction for the lack of interest

    4.3. The processual quality

    A) Concept

    B) Justification of the processual quality

    C) Transmission of the processual quality

    D) Sanction for the lack of processual quality

    4.4. The processual capacity

    4.4.1. The processual capacity of use

    A) Concept. Particularities

    B) Sanction for the lack of the processual capacity of use

    4.4.2. The processual capacity of exercise

    A) Concept. Particularities

    B) Decisions on the appeal in the interest of the law

    C) Sanction for the lack of the processual capacity of exercise

    5. Classification of civil actions

    5.1. Classification of actions depending on the financial purpose targeted

    by the claimant

    5.2. Classification of actions depending on the nature of the right that

    is capitalized through the action

    5.3. Classification of the actions depending on the procedural path chosen

    by the party in order to capitalize its right


    1. The Court

    1.1. The significance of the concept

    1.2. Composition and constitution of the court

    A) Composition of the court

    B) Constitution of the court

    1.3. Procedural incidents with regard to the composition or the constitution of the court###

    1.3.1. Incompatibility

    A) Cases of incompatibility

    B) Proceedings for solving the incompatibility issue

    1.3.2. Abstention and challenge

    A) Concept

    B) Cases

    C) Resemblances and differences

    2. The Parties

    2.1. Procedural co-participation

    A) Concept. Particulars

    B) Effects of the procedural co-participation

    2.2. Participation of third parties in the civil lawsuit

    2.2.1. Voluntary intervention Main intervention

    A) Legal nature. Deadline for submission

    B) Admissibility in different areas.

    C) Trial proceedings for the intervention request. Solutions Accessory intervention

    A) Legal nature. Deadline for submission

    B) Admissibility in different areas

    C) Trial proceedings for the intervention request. Solutions

    2.2.2. Forced intervention Summoning other persons

    A) Concept. Particulars. Deadline for submission

    B) Judgment proceedings with regard to the request of subpoenaing

    other persons

    1. Processual quality of the forced intervenient

    1.1. Particulars

    1.2. Can the processual quality be invoked as exception?

    2. The judging of the request Joint liability

    A) Concept. Particulars. Deadline for submission

    B) Admissibility in different areas

    C) Trial proceedings for the request for joint liability. Solutions Identification of the owner of the right

    A) Concept. Particulars

    B) Judgment proceedings for the request to identify the owner

    of the right

    2.3. Conventional representation of natural and legal persons

    2.3.1. Conventional representation of natural persons

    A) Representation through an agent who is not a lawyer

    1. Power of attorney. Particulars###

    2. Setting conclusions of law by an agent

    3. The termination of the judiciary power of attorney

    4. The magistrate`s representation

    B) Representation through a lawyer

    2.3.2. Conventional representation of legal persons

    2.3.3. Representation provided by the councilor in industrial property

    2.3.4. Penalty for the lack of proving the quality as representative

    3. The Prosecutor

    3.1. Forms of participation of the prosecutor in the civil lawsuit

    A) Initiation of the civil lawsuit

    B) Participation at the judgment of the civil lawsuit

    C) The exercise of the means of appeal

    D) The request for enforcement of the (final) ruling



    1. Concept. Classification of competence

    2. General competence

    2.1. Competence with regard to the constitutional control

    2.2. Competence regarding the elections

    2.3. Competence regarding the administrative disputed claims office

    2.4. Competence regarding other areas

    2.4.1. Competence as to work litigations

    2.4.2. Competence as to the exercise of parental rights and duties

    2.4.3. Competence as to the legal status of a person

    2.4.4. Competence as to names area

    2.4.5. Competence as to successions

    2.4.6. Competence as to child protection

    3. Material competence 234

    3.1. Material competence of the law court

    A) Competence as to judgment in first instance

    B) Competence as to judgment in last instance

    C) Competence as to judgment in other areas provisioned in the law

    3.2. Material competence of the court of law

    A) Competence as to judgment in first instance

    B) Competence as to judgment in appeal

    C) Competence as to judgment in recourse

    D) Competence as to judgment of other areas provisioned in the law

    3.3. Material competence of the Court of Appeal

    A) Competence as to judgment in first instance

    B) Competence as to judgment in appeal

    C) Competence as to judgment in recourse

    D) Competence as to judgment of other areas provisioned in the law###

    3.4. Material competence of the High Court of Cassation and Justice

    A) Competence as to the judgment in recourse

    B) Competence as to the judgment of the recourse in the interest of law

    C) Competence as to judgment of other areas provisioned in the law

    4. Territorial competence

    4.1. Common law territorial competence

    4.2. Alternate territorial competence

    4.3. Exclusive territorial competence

    5. Competence prorogation

    5.1. Legal competence prorogation

    5.2. Court competence prorogation

    5.2.1. Dislodgment of the causes

    A) Reasons

    B) Judgment procedure

    5.3. Conventional competence prorogation

    6. Procedural incidents regarding the competence

    6.1. The exception of non-competence

    A) Appeal

    B) Classification

    C) Solutions

    D) Decision for declining the competence. Particulars

    6.2. Conflicts of competence

    A) Definition. Types

    B) Settling procedures

    7. Competence for settling litigations issued from a private international

    law rapport in civil and commercial area



    1. Procedural actions

    1.1. Definition

    1.2. Classification of the procedural actions

    1.3. Requirements for accomplishing the procedural actions

    1.4. The sanction for not observing the requirements of the procedural actions

    1.4.1. Nullity of the procedural action. Definition

    1.4.2. Classification of the nullities of the procedural actions

    1.4.3. Cases of nullity of the procedural actions

    A) The court`s incompetence

    B) Violation of the procedural forms and clerk`s incompetence

    C) Other cases of unconditioned nullity

    1.4.4. Means of invoking the nullity

    A) The exception of nullity

    B) The procedural action through which the exception of nullity is solved###

    1.4.5. Effects of the nullity

    2. Procedural terms

    2.1. Definition

    2.2. Classification of the procedural terms

    2.3. Calculation of the procedural terms

    2.4. The length of the procedural terms

    2.5. Sanction for not observing the requirements of the procedural terms

    2.5.1. The decline

    A) Definition

    B) Conditions of the decline

    C) Cases in which appears the decline

    D) Cases in which the decline does not appear

    2.5.2. Effects of the decline

    2.5.3. Reassignment


    1. Court proceeding fines

    2. Redress

    3. Setting the fine and establishing the redress

    4. Request for reexamination



    I. Written stage

    1. General rules regarding the applications in justice

    2. Procedures preceding the address to the court

    2.1. Cases

    A) Preceding procedures established by the Act no 554/2004

    B) Preceding procedures of the direct conciliation

    C) Preceding denunciation addressed to postal service provider

    3. Main petitions

    3.1. The petition for filing a lawsuit

    A) Contents

    B) Particulars regarding the contents of the introductive petition

    C) Sanction for the lack of one element of the petition

    1. The sanction for the lack of fundamental elements in the petition

    for filing a lawsuit

    2. The sanction for the lack of other elements in the petition

    for filing a lawsuit

    D) Paying the proper fees with regard to the petition for filling a lawsuit

    E) Submission of the petition for filing a lawsuit, the constitution and the repartition of the file###

    1.1. Submitting the petition

    1.2. Constitution of the file

    1.3. File assignment

    1.3.1. The rule - assignment based on the informatics` system

    1.3.2. The exception - assignment using the cyclic system method

    1.3.3. Common aspects regarding random assignment

    1.3.4. Procedural incidents regarding the composition of the panel

    F) The effects of submitting the petition for filing a lawsuit

    3.2. Other main petitions

    4. Incidental petitions

    4.1. Contestation

    A) Contents

    B) The contestation procedure

    C) The mandatory characteristic of the contestation. The exceptions

    D) The sanction for not submitting the contestation

    4.2. The reconvention petition

    A) Definition. Purpose

    B) Optional feature of the reconvention petition. Exceptions

    C) Contents of the reconvention petition

    D) Submission term

    E) Judgment procedure

    4.3. Insurance measures

    4.3.1. Insurance sequester/distraint

    A) Definition

    B) Conditions for establishment

    C) Establishment procedure as to the insurance sequester

    1. The competent court

    2. The rules regarding the judgment. Partisculars

    3. Appeal

    4. Bail

    D) Canceling the insurance sequester

    E) Execution of the insurance sequester

    F) Abeyance of the insurance sequester

    G) Capitalization of the goods that have been levied as insurance

    4.3.2. Insurance assignment (deduction)

    4.3.3. Judiciary sequester

    A) Definition

    B) Conditions for establishment

    C) The procedure for establishment the judiciaries sequester

    1. The competent court

    2. The rules regarding the judgment

    3. Appeal###

    4. Appointment of the provisory administrator

    5. Bail

    6. Registration with the landed property registers

    7. Res judicata

    D) Administrator - sequester

    E) The termination of the judiciaries sequester

    4.3.4. Ressemblances and differences between the insurance

    sequester/distraint and the judiciary sequester

    A) Ressemblances

    B) Differences

    5. Subpoena and communication of the procedural documents

    5.1. General rules. The characteristics of the norms that regulate the subpoena

    5.2. Term acknowledged

    A) The rule

    B) The exception

    C) Changing the term acknowledged

    5.3. Subpoena through publicity

    5.4. Subpoena. Contents

    5.5. Persons that are subpoenaed. Special rules

    5.6. Serving the subpoena and other procedural documents

    A) Who does the communication?

    B) Period if time in which the communication is made

    C) Place where the communication is made

    1. The rule

    2. Special cases

    D) Situations that might occur while serving the procedural document

    E) Handing the subpoena to a moral person

    F) Proof for serving the subpoena or the procedural document

    5.7. Communication of judiciary and extra judiciary documents

    in and from abroad

    A) Communication of documents abroad

    1. States that are not members of the European Union

    2. States that are members of the European Union

    B) Communication of documents from abroad

    II. Debates stage

    1. Court séance

    1.1. Activity preceding the court séance

    1.2. Activity during the court séance

    A) The role of the séance`s clerk of the court

    B) Presiding the court séance. The séance`s police

    C) Roll call of the participants at the judging. The report of the séance`s clerk of the court###

    D) Measures that can be ordered within the files

    1. Postponing the lawsuit

    2. Abeyance of the judging

    3. Solving the affair

    E) Period of time for solving the affairs

    1.3. Activity deployed after the court séance. The séance`s closings

    A) Procedural papers accomplished by the séance`s clerk of the court

    after the termination of the séance

    B) The séance`s closings

    2. First day before the court

    A) Definition. Particulars

    B) Procedural function

    3. Procedural exceptions

    3.1. Definition

    3.2. Juridical nature

    3.3. Classification of the procedural exceptions

    A) Procedural and substance exceptions

    B) Dilatory and peremptory exceptions

    C) Absolute and relative exceptions

    3.4. The relation between the procedural exceptions and the inadmissibilities

    3.5. Proceedings for solving the procedural exceptions

    A) Conditions for having invoked the procedural exceptions

    B) Judging the procedural exceptions

    1. The rule

    2. The exception

    3. The order for solving the exceptions that are invoked at the same time

    4. Proofs

    4.1. Definition

    4.2. The object and the burden of proof

    4.2.1. The object of the proof

    4.2.2. The burden of proof

    A) The rule

    B) The exception

    4.3. General rules as to the admissibility, the administration

    and the assessment of the proofs

    4.3.1. The admissibility of the proofs

    4.3.2. The administration of the proofs

    A) Proposing the proofs

    1. The rule

    1.1. The sanction

    2. The exception

    2.1. The sanction###

    3. Common aspects regarding the proposition of the proofs

    B) Allowing the proofs

    C) The administration per se of the proofs

    4.3.3. The appreciation of the proofs

    4.4. Means of proofs

    4.4.1. Proof through writings

    A) Definition of the writings

    B) Classification of the writings

    C) The authentic writing

    1. Definition

    2. The advantages of the authentic writing

    3. The proving power of the authentic writing

    4. Conversion of the authentic writing

    D) Writing under private signature

    1. Definition

    2. General validity conditions

    3. Special validity conditions

    3.1. The formality of the multiple copies

    3.1.1. Cases in which the formality is required

    3.1.2. Cases in which the formality of the multiple copies

    is not required

    3.1.3. Penalty

    3.2. The mention "good and approved"

    3.2.1. Cases in which the formality is required

    3.2.2. Cases in which the mention "good and approved"

    is not required

    3.2.3. Penalty

    4. The proving power of the writing under private signature

    5. The date of the writing under private signature

    5.1. In the relation between the parties

    5.2. Towards third parties

    5.2.1. Who are the third parties?

    5.2.2. Certain date

    6. Writing in electronic presentation

    E) Administration of the written proof

    1. Submission of the writings owned by the party that uses them

    2. Submission of the writings that are not owned by the party

    that uses them

    2.1. The writing is held by the other party

    2.1.1. Situations when the request for appearance

    cannot be rejected

    2.1.2. Situations when the request for appearance is rejected###

    2.2. The writing is kept by another person or authority

    2.3. The sanction for not submitting the writing

    3. Examination of the records

    4. The forgery procedure

    4.1. Writings to which this procedure is applied

    4.2. The procedure per se

    4.3. The abeyance of the judgment

    4.4. The forgery analysis made by the civil court

    4.4.2. The testimonial proof

    A) Definition

    B) The admissibility of the testimonial proof

    1. The admissibility of the testimonial proof in order to prove

    a judicial fact stricto sensu

    2. The admissibility of the testimonial proof in order to prove

    a judicial action

    2.1. Rules

    2.2. Exceptions

    C) Administration of the testimonial proof

    1. Proposing the witnesses

    2. Replacing the witnesses

    3. Persons that can be heard as witnesses

    3.1. The rule

    3.2. The exception

    3.3. Persons exempted from the obligation to testify

    4. Appearance and hearing of the witnesses

    4.1. Appearance of the witnesses

    4.2. Witnesses hearing

    4.2.1. Identification of the witnesses. Taking the oath

    4.2.2. The hearing of the witnesses

    4.2.3. Recording the testimony

    D) Appreciation of the witnesses` statements

    4.4.3. The proof through the expert`s report

    A) Definition

    B) The object of examination

    C) Is the examination optional or mandatory?

    D) Administration of the proof through the expert`s report

    1. Proposing the proof

    2. Appointing the experts

    2.1. Number of experts. Particulars

    2.2. Designating the experts

    3. Establishing the purposes of the examination as well as the fees for the expert

    4. Applying stipulations from other areas###

    4.1. Challenging the experts

    4.2. Subpoenaing the expert, bringing him in based

    on a warrant and sanctioning the expert

    5. Performing the examination

    5.1. Modalities of performing the examination

    5.1.1. Performing the examination within

    the court`s premises

    5.1.2. Performing the examination outside

    the court`s premises

    5.2. Examination performed by several experts

    5.3. Deadline for submitting the expert`s report

    5.4. Supplementing the examination or a new examination

    E) The proving power of the expert`s report

    1. The rule

    2. The exception

    4.4.4. On site investigation

    4.4.5. Confession Definition Types of confession Characteristics of the confession Admissibility of the confession Administration of the confession proof. Interrogation

    A) Proposing the interrogation

    B) The object of the interrogation

    C) Who can answer the interrogation?

    1. The rule

    2. Persons under a disability

    3. State and other moral persons

    4. The party with domicile abroad

    D) Interrogation process

    1. Asking the questions

    2. Recording the answers

    3. Signing the interrogation

    4. Interrogation process outside the court`s premises

    E) The effects of calling in for interrogation

    F) The proving power of the confession

    4.4.6. The assumptions Definition Classification

    A) Legal assumptions

    1. Enumeration

    2. Classification. Reversing the legal assumptions###

    3. Effects

    B) Simple assumptions

    4.5. Proof insurance

    4.5.1. Ascertaining a proof

    A) Cases

    B) Judging procedure

    1. The request. Contents

    2. The competent court

    3. Solving the request

    4. The way of appeal

    4.1. The request has been made using the principal mean

    4.2. The request has been made using the incidental mean

    5. Interruption of the course of the period of limitation

    4.5.2. Ascertaining a state of fact

    A) Cases

    B) Judging procedure

    1. Competent court. Competent judicial executor

    2. Solving the request

    3. Official report of ascertainment

    4.5.3. Common aspects

    5. Analysis of the lawsuit if the proofs are administrated by lawyers

    5.1. Choosing the procedure. The parties` consent

    5.2. The procedure preceding the administration of proofs

    5.2.1. Obligations incumbent to the court

    5.2.2. Obligations incumbent to the parties

    5.3. The procedure of administrating the proofs

    5.3.1. The place of administrating the proofs

    5.3.2. Extending the term for administrating the proofs

    5.3.3. Interference of the court in order to solve some procedural incidents

    5.3.4. The actual administration of the proofs The proof with writings Hearing the witnesses The proof through the expert`s report On site investigation Interrogation

    5.3.5. Editing written conclusion

    5.3.6. Compiling and presenting the file

    5.4. Judging the cause

    6. Procedural incidents that might appear during the judging

    6.1. Abeyance of the judging

    6.1.1. Definition. Cases

    6.1.2. Voluntary abeyance###

    A) Cases

    B) Evasion from abeyance. Judging in somebody`s absence

    6.1.3. Legal abeyance Rightful legal abeyance

    A) General cases

    B) Other cases of rightful abeyances Optional legal abeyance

    A) General cases

    B) Length of the abeyance

    C) Other cases of optional abeyances

    6.1.4. The abeyance procedure

    A) The abeyance court`s report. Particulars

    B) The judging reopening

    1. Who orders the judging reopening?

    2. The judging reopening in case of voluntary abeyance

    3. The judging reopening in case of rightful legal abeyance

    4. The judging reopening in case of optional abeyance

    5. Dismissal of the request for reopening the judging

    6.1.5. The effects of the abeyance

    6.2. Lapse

    6.2.1. Definition

    6.2.2. Juridical characteristic

    6.2.3. The lapse conditions

    A) The court was invested with a request that is judged

    in first instance or in an appeal

    B) The cause remained unanalyzed in the time interval stipulated

    by the law

    1. Lapse term. Calculation manner

    2. Interruption of the lapse term

    2.1. Interest in judging the lawsuit

    2.2. The act of interruption the lapse term. Particulars

    3. Abeyance of the lapse term

    C) The cause was left unanalyzed out of the guilt of the party

    6.2.4. The procedure for ascertaining the lapse

    A) Verification of the lapse requirements

    B) Means of invoking the lapse

    C) Court procedure

    6.2.5. The effects of the lapse

    7. The parties` procedural acts of regulation

    7.1. Renunciation. Who can renounce?

    A) Renouncing to the judging

    1. The forms of the renunciation###

    2. When can the renunciation be made?

    3. The document ascertaining the renunciation

    4. The effects of having renounced to the judging

    B) Renouncing the subjective rights submitted to judging

    1. When can this happen. Particulars

    2. The forms of renunciation

    3. The document through which the renunciation is brought

    to knowledge

    4. The effects of renouncing the right

    7.2. Acquiesceance

    A) The accused acquiesceance regarding the claim of the calimanti

    B) The acquiesceance to the decision

    1. Express acquiesceance

    2. Silent acquiesceance

    7.3. Judiciary transaction

    7.3.1. Definition. Particulars

    7.3.2. The procedure for confirming the transaction

    A) The form of the transaction

    B) When can it occur?

    C) The transaction consecration

    D) Expedient decision

    1. Contents

    2. Appeal

    8. Information regarding the foreign law

    9. Judiciary contracts

    9.1. Definition

    9.2. Legal judiciary contracts

    9.3. Judiciary contracts regarding the execution

    9.4. Proper judiciary contracts

    III. The stage of deliberation and pronunciation of the decision

    1. The activity after the closure of the debates

    1.1. The judges` activity

    1.1.1. Deliberation

    A) Closure of debates. Meanings

    B) Gathering the judges` opinions

    C) The number of opinions necessary to issue the decision

    D) Postponing the pronunciation

    E) Divergence panel of judges

    1. Concept. The formation of the divergence panel of judges

    2. The legal obligation to motivate the divergence

    3. Reprisal of the debates with the divergence panel of judges

    1.1.2. Result of the debates###

    A) The minute

    B) Decisions on the appeal in the interest of the law

    C) Séance`s record

    D Pronunciation of the solution

    E) Disposing a registration number for the decision

    1.2. The activity of the clerks of the court

    2. Judiciary (final) judgement

    2.1. Definition and classification

    2.2. Draft and content of the decision

    2.2.1. Drafting the decision

    2.2.2. The content of the decision The introductive part, the considerations and the part

    that contains the court`s ruling Other elements

    A) Way of appeal

    B) Indication that the pronunciation was made

    within a public séance

    C) The judge`s and the clerk`s of the court signatures

    D) Mentions on the last page Insertions, erasures or changes The expenses for the judgment

    A) Content

    B) Legal ground for the judgment`s expenses

    C) Granting the expenses for the judgment

    D) Rules for granting the expenses for the judgment

    E) Increase or decrease of the expenses for the judgment Respite term

    A) Conditions for granting it

    B) Effects

    1. The rule

    2. The exception. Revoking the term

    2.1. Cases of revocation

    2.2. The procedure for revoking the respite term

    C) Inadmissibility as to granting a term of respite

    2.3. Communication of the judiciary decision

    2.4. The effects of the judiciary decision

    A) Concept. Particulars

    B) Regulation

    C) The effects of the res judiciata

    D) The part within the decision that is assimilated to the res judicata

    E) The authority of the res judiciata

    1. Elements of the authority of the res judiciata

    2. Invoking the authority of the res judiciata

    ###3. The authority of the res judiciata in civil suits with regard to the criminal decision

    2.5. Investing the decision with executor title (capacity)

    2.5.1. Cases in which it is necessary

    2.5.2. The competent court

    2.5.3. Injunctive wording

    2.5.4. The investment procedure

    2.6. Transitorily execution

    2.6.1. Concept. Forms

    2.6.2. Rightful transitorily execution

    2.6.3. Judicial transitorily execution Cases when it can be granted Cases when it cannot be granted Procedure of connivance as to the temporarily execution

    A) In first instance

    B) In appeal

    2.6.4. Abeyance of the transitorily execution

    2.7. Correction, clarifying and completion of the decision

    2.7.1. Correction of the decision

    A) When can it be ordered?

    B) The procedure for correction

    1. Aspects regarding the court

    2. Aspects regarding the parties

    3. Aspects regarding the decision

    4. The procedural act through which the request is solved

    5. Appeal

    2.7.2. Clarifying the decision

    A) The decision that can be clarified

    B) The part of the decision that can be clarified

    C) Court procedure

    2.7.3. Completion of the decision

    A) Categories of decision that can be completed

    B) Court proceedings


    1. Application area

    2. Rules for solving the request

    2.1. The request. Contents

    2.2. The competent court

    2.3. The control of the competence

    2.4. The composition of the judges` panel

    2.5. The disputed claim office characteristic of the request

    2.6. The procedural act through which the request is solved. Particulars

    2.7. Appeal

    A) The appeal

    B) The competence as to solving the appeal###



    1. Clasificarea cailor de atac

    1.1. Clasificarea in functie de conditiile de exercitare

    1.2. Clasificarea in functie de instanta competenta sa judece calea de atac

    1.3. Clasificarea in functie de faptul daca provoaca sau nu o noua judecata in fond

    1.4. Clasificarea in functie de faptul daca termenul de exercitare a caii de atac si exercitarea caii de atac suspenda sau nu executarea hotararii atacate

    1.5. Clasificarea in functie de faptul daca partile au sau nu acces direct la exercitarea cailor de atac

    2. Reguli comune pentru folosirea cailor de atac

    2.1. Legalitatea caii de atac

    2.2. Existenta unei hotarari

    2.3. Manifestarea de vointa in sensul exercitarii caii de atac

    2.4. Ierarhia cailor de atac

    2.5. Unicitatea dreptului de a folosi o cale de atac

    2.6. Conditiile de exercitare a cailor de atac

    3. Apelul

    3.1. Formele apelului

    3.1.1. Deosebiri intre apelul principal si aderarea la apel

    3.1.2. Apelul incident

    A) Notiune

    B) Calitatea procesuala in apelul incident

    1. Calitate procesuala activa

    2. Calitate procesuala pasiva

    C) Scopul urmarit prin apelul incident

    D) Termenul de declarare a apelului incident

    E) Cererea de apel

    1. Forma cererii

    2. Instanta la care se depune

    F) Intampinarea

    G) Efectul introducerii apelului incident

    H) Judecarea apelului incident

    I) Influenta apelului principal asupra apelului incident

    3.1.3. Apelul provocat

    A) Notiune

    B) Calitatea procesuala in apelul provocat

    1. Calitate procesuala activa

    2. Calitate procesuala pasiva

    C) Scopul urmarit prin apelul provocat

    D) Termenul de declarare a apelului provocat

    E) Cererea de apel

    F) Judecarea apelului provocat

    3.2. Obiectul apelului (principal, incident ori provocat)

    3.2.1. Hotarari date in prima instanta. Conditii

    3.2.2. Incheierile premergatoare. Particularitati###

    3.3. Subiectele apelului

    3.3.1. Partile de la judecata in prima instanta

    A) Calitatea de parte

    B) Interesul in exercitarea apelului

    C) Alte aspecte

    3.3.2. Persoane straine de proces

    3.3.3. Procurorul

    3.3.4. Avocatul

    3.4. Sesizarea instantei de apel

    3.4.1. Instanta competenta

    3.4.2. Termenul de apel

    A) Termenul de apel de drept comun

    B) Alte termene de apel

    C) Termenul de apel pentru procuror

    D) Principiul echipolentei

    E) Intreruperea termenului de apel

    1. Moartea partii care are interes sa faca apel

    1.1. Notiune

    1.2. Efectele intreruperii termenului de apel

    1.3. Exercitarea apelului de catre mostenitori. Efecte

    2. Moartea mandatarului

    2.1. Notiune

    2.2. Efectul intreruperii termenului de apel

    3. Existenta unei imprejurari mai presus de vointa partii

    3.1. Notiune

    3.2. Efectul intreruperii termenului de apel

    F) Sanctiunea nerespectarii termenului

    3.4.3. Cererea de apel Cuprinsul cererii de apel Timbrarea apelului

    A) Reguli generale

    B) Netimbrarea cererii de exercitare a caii de atac poate duce

    la respingerea apelului ca tardiv? Depunerea cererii de apel

    A) Instanta la care se depune cererea

    B) Inregistrarea cererii de apel Efectele cererii de apel

    A) Limitele efectului devolutiv

    B) Derogari de la limitele efectului devolutiv

    C) Cazuri in care apelul nu are caracter devolutiv

    3.5. Judecarea apelului

    3.5.1. Procedura prealabila la instanta de apel

    A) Inaintarea dosarului la instanta de apel

    B) Obligatii ce revin presedintelui instantei de apel

    C) Obligatii de revin presedintelui de sectie

    3.5.2. Intampinarea###

    3.5.3. Compunerea completului

    3.5.4. Reguli privind judecata

    3.5.5. Solutiile pe care le poate pronunta instanta de apel Pastrarea sau schimbarea sentintei Principiul "non reformatio in pejus"

    A) Notiune

    B) Caracter

    C) Domeniu de aplicare

    D) Aplicarea principiului si asupra altor participanti, care nu au declarat calea de atac

    E) Exercitarea caii de atac de catre procuror

    F) Aplicarea principiului in etapa rejudecarii dupa admiterea apelului

    G) Principiul "non reformatio in pejus" si exceptiile absolute Desfiintarea sentintei Anularea sentintei Decizii asupra recursului in interesul legii

    3.6. Restituirea dosarului

    4. Recursul

    4.1. Formele recursului

    4.2. Obiectul recursului

    4.2.1. Hotararile date fara drept de apel

    4.2.2. Hotararile date in apel

    4.2.3. Incheierile premergatoare

    4.3. Subiectele recursului

    4.4. Sesizarea instantei de recurs

    4.4.1. Instanta competenta sa solutioneze recursul

    4.4.2. Termenul de recurs

    A) Termenul de recurs de drept comun

    B) Alte termene de recurs

    C) Prelungirea termenului de recurs

    D) Termenul de recurs pentru procuror

    E) Principiul echipolentei

    F) Intreruperea termenului de recurs

    G) Sanctiunea nerespectarii termenului de recurs

    4.4.3. Cererea de recurs Cuprinsul cererii de recurs Punctul de vedere al Curtii Constitutionale asupra art. 3021 alin. (1) lit. a) C. proc. civ. Decizii asupra recursului in interesul legii Termenul de motivare a recursului Sanctiunea nemotivarii recursului Situatia in care procurorul a participat la judecata Timbrarea recursului Depunerea cererii de recurs

    A) Instanta la care se depune cererea

    B) Inregistrarea cererii de recurs Efectele cererii de recurs###

    4.4.4. Motivele de recurs

    A) Motivele de casare

    B) Motivele de modificare

    4.4.5. Recursul exercitat conform art. 3041 C. proc. civ.

    4.5. Judecarea recursului

    4.5.1. Procedura prealabila la instanta de recurs

    A) Inaintarea dosarului la instanta de recurs

    B) Obligatii ce revin presedintelui instantei de recurs si presedintelui de sectie

    4.5.2. Intampinarea

    4.5.3. Compunerea completului

    4.5.4. Reguli privind judecata

    A) Principalele momente in desfasurarea judecatii

    B) Probele in recurs. Limite

    4.5.5. Solutiile in recurs Admiterea recursului Casarea hotararii

    A) Casarea cu retinere

    B) Casarea cu trimitere

    C) Casarea in caz de necompetenta Modificarea hotararii Efectele admiterii recursului Judecata in fond dupa casare sau modificare

    A) Atributiile instantei care rejudeca fondul

    1. Limite

    2. Felul hotararii care se pronunta dupa rejudecare

    3. Compunerea completului care rejudeca in fond dupa casare sau modificare

    B) Obligativitatea deciziei de casare sau de modificare

    C) Aplicarea principiului "non reformatio in pejus" Respingerea recursului Anularea recursului Perimarea recursului

    4.5.6. Restituirea dosarului

    5. Contestatia in anulare

    5.1. Felurile contestatiei in anulare. Particularitati

    5.1.1. Contestatia in anulare obisnuita

    A) Motive

    B) Admisibilitatea contestatiei in anulare de drept comun

    C) Care hotarare se ataca?

    5.1.2. Contestatia in anulare speciala

    A) Motive

    B) Admisibilitatea contestatiei in anulare speciala

    5.2. Judecarea contestatiei in anulare

    5.2.1. Instanta competenta

    5.2.2. Compunerea completului

    5.2.3. Cererea

    5.2.4. Termenul de exercitare### Aspecte generale

    5.2.5. Partile contestatiei in anulare

    5.2.6. Procedura de judecata Aplicarea regulilor de la judecarea cererii de chemare in judecata Intampinarea Suspendarea executarii Solutia asupra contestatiei in anulare Calea de atac impotriva hotararii date in contestatia in anulare

    6. Revizuirea

    6.1. Obiectul revizuirii

    6.2. Admisibilitatea revizuirii

    6.3. Cauza revizuirii

    6.3.1. Daca dispozitivul hotararii cuprinde dispozitii potrivnice ce nu se pot aduce la indeplinire - art. 322 pct. 1 C. proc. civ.

    6.3.2. Daca s-a pronuntat asupra unor lucruri care nu s-au cerut sau nu s-a pronuntat asupra unui lucru cerut, ori s-a dat mai mult decat s-a cerut - art. 322 pct. 2 C. proc. civ.

    6.3.3. Daca obiectul pricinii nu se afla in fiinta - art. 322 pct. 3 C. proc. civ.

    6.3.4. Daca un judecator, martor sau expert, care a luat parte la judecata, a fost condamnat definitiv pentru o infractiune privitoare la pricina sau daca hotararea s-a dat in temeiul unui inscris declarat fals in cursul sau in urma judecatii ori daca un magistrat a fost sanctionat disciplinar pentru exercitarea functiei cu rea - credinta sau grava neglijenta in acea cauza - art. 322 pct. 4 C. proc. civ.

    6.3.5. Daca, dupa darea hotararii, s-au descoperit inscrisuri doveditoare, retinute de partea potrivnica sau care nu au putut fi infatisate dintr-o imprejurare mai presus de vointa partilor, ori daca s-a desfiintat sau modificat hotararea unei instante pe care s-a intemeiat hotararea a carei revizuire se cere - art. 322 pct. 5 C. proc. civ.

    6.3.6. Daca statul sau alte persoane juridice de drept public sau de utilitate publica, disparutii, incapabilii sau cei pusi sub curatela nu au fost aparati deloc sau au fost aparati cu viclenie de cei insarcinati sa-i apere - art. 322 pct. 6 C. proc. civ.

    6.3.7. Daca exista hotarari potrivnice date de instante de acelasi grad sau de grade deosebite, in una si aceeasi pricina, intre aceleasi persoane, avand aceeasi calitate - art. 322 pct. 7 C. proc. civ.

    6.3.8. Daca partea a fost impiedicata sa se infatiseze la judecata si sa instiinteze instanta despre aceasta, dintr-o imprejurare mai presus de vointa sa - art. 322 pct. 8 C. proc. civ.

    6.3.9. Daca Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului a constatat o incalcare a drepturilor sau libertatilor fundamentale datorata unei hotarari judecatoresti, iar consecintele grave ale acestei incalcari continua sa se produca si nu pot fi remediate decat prin revizuirea hotararii pronuntate - art. 322 pct. 9 C. proc. civ.

    6.4. Judecarea cererii de revizuire

    6.4.1. Instanta competenta

    6.4.2. Compunerea completului

    6.4.3. Cererea de revizuire

    6.4.4. Termenul de exercitare

    6.4.5. Partile in revizuire

    6.4.6. Procedura de judecata a revizuirii Aplicarea regulilor de la judecarea cererii de chemare in judecata### Limitele dezbaterilor Intampinarea Suspendarea executarii Solutia asupra cererii de revizuire Calea de atac impotriva hotararii date in revizuire

    7. Recursul in interesul legii

    8. Reexaminarea

    8.1. Reexaminarea reglementata de Codul de procedura civila

    8.1.1. Obiect

    8.1.2. Legitimare procesuala activa

    8.1.3. Termenul de formulare

    8.1.4. Procedura de solutionare

    8.2. Reexaminarea reglementata de Legea nr. 146/1997

    8.2.1. Obiect

    8.2.2. Legitimare procesuala activa

    8.2.3. Termenul de formulare

    8.2.4. Procedura de judecata###


    1. Ordonanta presedintiala

    1.1. Conditii de admisibilitate

    A) Urgenta

    B) Caracterul vremelnic al masurii

    C) Neprejudecarea fondului

    1.2. Judecata ordonantei presedintiale

    1.2.1. Instanta competenta

    1.2.2. Cererea de ordonanta presedintiala

    1.2.3. Intampinarea

    1.2.4. Cererea reconventionala

    1.2.5. Procedura de judecata

    A) Aspecte privitoare la citarea partilor

    B) Termenul de solutionare

    C) Reguli de desfasurare a judecatii

    D) Cheltuielile de judecata

    E) Transformarea ordonantei in actiune de drept comun

    F) Conexitatea si litispendenta

    G) Hotararea

    1. Particularitati

    2. Cai de atac

    3. Puterea de lucru judecat

    2. Refacerea inscrisurilor si hotararilor disparute

    2.1. Refacerea inscrisurilor sau dosarelor disparute intr-o pricina in curs de judecata

    2.1.1. Instanta competenta

    2.1.2. Procedura de urmat

    2.2. Refacerea hotararilor disparute

    2.2.1. Instanta competenta

    2.2.2. Procedura de urmat

    A) Modul in care va proceda instanta

    B) Respingerea cererii de refacere a hotararii

    C) Anularea hotararii refacute

    3. Despre oferte de plata si consemnatii

    3.1. Oferta de plata

    A) Conditii de valabilitate

    B) Procedura ofertei reale

    C) Oferta reala poate fi facuta inaintea instantei?

    D) Efectele ofertei reale

    3.2. Consemnatiunea

    A) Cand se face

    B) Conditii de valabilitate a consemnatiunii

    3.3. Sesizarea instantei

    A) Instanta competenta

    B) Forma cererii de sesizare a instantei

    C) Obiectul cererii

    D) Efectele hotararii de validare

    E) Cheltuielile ofertei reale si consemnatiunii

    3.4. Procedura ofertei reale cand bunul datorat este un lucru cert

    4. Divortul

    4.1. Formele desfacerii casatoriei prin divort

    4.2. Instanta competenta

    A) Instanta competenta material

    B) Instanta competenta teritorial

    4.3. Sesizarea instantei

    4.3.1. Legitimare procesuala activa

    4.3.2. Cererea de divort

    A) Continut

    B) Taxa de timbru

    C) Depunerea cererii

    D) Fixarea termenului

    4.3.3. Intampinarea

    4.3.4. Cererea reconventionala

    A) Termenul de depunere

    B) Sanctiunea nedepunerii cererii reconventionale in termen

    C) Judecarea cererii reconventionale

    D) Cererea reconventionala este obligatorie?

    4.3.5. Cererea de pensie de intretinere

    4.3.6. Luarea unor masuri vremelnice

    4.4. Procedura de judecata a divortului

    4.4.1. Infatisarea personala a partilor

    4.4.2. Prezenta obligatorie a reclamantului

    4.4.3. Citarea paratului

    4.4.4. Publicitatea sedintei de judecata###

    A) Regula

    B) Exceptia

    4.4.5. Particularitati privind probele

    A) Derogari de la dreptul comun

    B) Punctul de vedere al Curtii Constitutionale asupra art. 612

    alin. (6) C. proc. civ.

    C) Ascultarea copiilor minori

    D) Ascultarea autoritatii tutelare

    4.4.6. Actele de dispozitie ale partilor

    4.4.7. Hotararea de divort

    A) Particularitati

    B) Solutii asupra divortului

    C) Cai de atac

    4.5. Divortul prin acordul partilor

    5. Procedura impartelii judiciare

    5.1. Instanta competenta

    5.1.1. Competenta materiala

    5.1.2. Competenta teritoriala

    5.2. Cererea de chemare in judecata

    5.2.1. Elementele speciale ale cererii de imparteala

    5.2.2. Sanctiunea lipsei elementelor speciale

    5.2.3. Completarea masei bunurilor de impartit

    5.2.4. Prescriptia dreptului la actiune

    5.3. Procedura partajului

    5.3.1. Luarea declaratiilor partilor

    5.3.2. Imparteala prin buna invoiala

    5.3.3. Etapele partajului Darea incheierii conform art. 6736 alin. (1) C. proc. civ.

    A) Continut. Particularitati

    B) Raportul de expertiza

    C) Caracterul facultativ al incheierii

    D) Efectele necompetentei sau ale perimarii asupra incheierii

    E) Darea unei noi incheieri

    F) Calea de atac impotriva incheierii Partajul propriu-zis

    A) Modalitati de realizare a partajului

    1. Partajul in natura

    1.1. Aspecte generale

    1.2. Criterii avute in vedere la formarea si atribuirea loturilor

    1.3. Sulta

    2. Atribuirea bunului

    2.1 Atribuirea provizorie

    2.1.1. Pentru atribuirea provizorie, masa de impartit

    trebuie sa fie alcatuita dintr-un singur bun?

    2.1.2. In ce moment al procesului se poate face aplicarea

    art. 67310 alin. (1) C. proc. civ.?

    2.1.3. Procedura atribuirii provizorii###

    2.2. Atribuirea definitiva

    2.3. Impartirea sumelor depuse

    3. Vanzarea bunurilor

    3.1. Vanzarea de catre parti prin buna invoiala

    3.2. Vanzarea de catre executorul judecatoresc

    3.3. Consemnarea pretului

    B) Hotararea asupra partajului

    1. Felul hotararii

    2. Efectele hotararii

    3. Executarea hotararii

    5.4. Inchiderea dosarului

    6. Cererile privitoare la posesiune

    6.1. Definitie

    6.2. Particularitati

    6.3. Clasificare

    6.4. Procedura de judecata

    6.4.1. Conditii de exercitiu

    A) Conditii speciale pentru actiunea in complangere

    B) Conditii speciale pentru actiunea in reintegrare

    6.4.2. Instanta competenta

    6.4.3. Legitimare procesuala activa Aspecte generale Situatia proprietatii comune

    A) In raporturile dintre proprietarii comuni

    B) In raporturile cu tertii

    6.4.4. Particularitati privind judecata

    6.4.5. Hotararea

    7. Dispozitii privind solutionarea litigiilor in materie comerciala

    7.1. Competenta in litigiile comerciale

    7.1.1. Competenta materiala

    7.1.2. Competenta teritoriala

    7.2. Procedura concilierii directe. Particularitati

    7.3. Sesizarea instantei

    7.3.1. Cererea de chemare in judecata

    A) Cuprins

    B) Sanctiuni aplicabile

    7.3.2. Obligatii la depunerea cererii

    7.3.3. Particularitati privitoare la luarea masurilor asiguratorii

    7.4. Intampinarea si cererea reconventionala

    7.4.1. Intampinarea. Caracterul obligatoriu

    7.4.2. Cererea reconventionala

    7.5. Procedura de judecata

    7.5.1. Asistarea partilor sau a reprezentantilor lor

    7.5.2. Obligatii privitoare la efectuarea procedurilor de citare si comunicare

    7.5.3. Desfasurarea cu celeritate a procesului

    7.5.4. Participarea tertilor in litigiile comerciale###

    7.5.5. Staruinta in solutionarea litigiului prin intelegerea partilor

    7.5.6. Hotararea data in materie comerciala

    7.5.7. Decizii asupra recursului in interesul legii

    7.6. Caracterul de drept comun al procedurii inscrise in Capitolul XIV



    1. Formele arbitrajului

    2. Litigiile care pot fi solutionate pe cale arbitrala

    3. Conventia arbitrala

    3.1. Notiune. Conditii de valabilitate

    3.2. Formele conventiei arbitrale

    A) Clauza compromisorie

    B) Compromisul

    3.3. Continutul conventiei arbitrale

    3.4. Efectele conventiei arbitrale

    3.4.1. Excluderea competentei instantei statale

    3.4.2. Cazuri in care este competenta instanta statala

    4. Arbitrii

    4.1. Cine poate fi arbitru

    4.2. Numarul arbitrilor

    4.3. Numirea arbitrilor

    A) Invitatia adresata adversarului de numire a arbitrilor

    B) Raspunsul la propunerea de numire a arbitrilor

    C) Acceptarea insarcinarii de arbitru

    D) Numirea supraarbitrului

    E) Neintelegeri intre parti. Solutionare

    4.4. Recuzarea, abtinerea si inlocuirea arbitrilor

    A) Cauze de recuzare si abtinere

    B) Procedura recuzarii

    4.5. Inlocuirea arbitrilor

    4.6. Raspunderea arbitrilor

    5. Constituirea tribunalului arbitral

    A) Data constituirii

    B) Importanta datei constituirii

    6. Sesizarea tribunalului arbitral

    6.1. Cererea de arbitrare

    6.2. Cererile ce pot fi formulate de catre parat

    6.2.1. Intampinarea

    6.2.2. Cererea reconventionala

    7. Durata arbitrajului

    8. Locul arbitrajului

    9. Procedura arbitrala

    9.1. Principii aplicabile

    9.2. Fixarea termenului de dezbateri

    9.3. Participarea partilor la dezbateri

    9.3.1. Reprezentarea###

    9.3.2. Solicitarea judecarii in lipsa

    9.3.3. Consecinta neprezentarii partilor

    9.4. Comunicarea inscrisurilor litigiului

    9.5. Administrarea probelor

    9.6. Prima zi de infatisare

    9.6.1. Invocarea exceptiilor

    9.6.2. Importanta

    9.7. Incheierea de sedinta

    10. Hotararea arbitrala

    10.1. Deliberarea si pronuntarea

    A) Aspecte generale

    B) Numarul de voturi necesar pentru darea hotararii

    C) Numirea supraarbitrului

    D) Judecata in drept si judecata in echitate

    10.2. Cuprinsul hotararii arbitrale

    10.2.1. Elemente

    10.2.2. Cheltuielile arbitrale

    10.3. Comunicarea hotararii arbitrale

    10.4. Indreptarea si completarea hotararii

    10.5. Depunerea dosarului la instanta judecatoreasca

    11. Desfiintarea hotararii arbitrale

    11.1. Actiunea in anulare - motive

    11.2. Renuntarea la actiunea in anulare

    11.3. Competenta de solutionare

    11.4. Termenul de exercitare

    11.5. Suspendarea executarii hotararii

    11.6. Natura juridica a actiunii in anulare

    11.7. Aspecte de ordin procedural

    A) Compunerea completului

    B) Modul in care va proceda instanta judecatoreasca

    C) Calea de atac

    12. Executarea hotararii arbitrale

    12.1. Executarea de bunavoie

    12.2. Investirea cu formula executorie

    13. Arbitrajul international

    14. Recunoasterea si executarea hotararilor arbitrale straine


    1. Classification of the appeals

    1.1. Classification based on the requirements for their exercise

    1.2. Classification based on the court that is competent to judge the appeal

    1.3. Classification based on whether it is provoking or not a new basic###

    1.4. Classification based on whether the term of exercising the appeal or the exercise of the appeal itself are adjourning or not the execution of the decision that has been appealed

    1.5. Classification based on whether the parties have or not a direct access

    to the exercise of the appeals

    2. Common rules for using the appeals

    2.1. Legality of the appeal

    2.2. Existence of a decision

    2.3. Manifestation of will as to exercising the appeal

    2.4. Appeals hierarchy

    2.5. The uniqueness of the right to use an appeal

    2.6. Conditions for exercising the appeals

    3. The appeal

    3.1. Forms of appeal

    3.1.1. Differences between the main appeal and the adhesion to an appeal

    3.1.2. The incident appeal

    A) Concept

    B) Procedural capacity in the incident appeal

    1. Active procedural capacity

    2. Passive procedural capacity

    C) Purpose aimed at through the incident appeal

    D) Term for declaring the incident appeal

    E) The request for an appeal

    1. The form of request

    2. The court with which it shall be registered

    F) Opening explanatory arguments

    G) The effect of having submitted the incident appeal

    H) Judging the incident appeal

    I) The influence the main appeal has on the incident appeal

    3.1.3. The provoked appeal

    A) Concept

    B) The procedural capacity in the provoked appeal

    1. Active procedural capacity

    2. Passive procedural capacity

    C) The purpose aimed through the provoked appeal

    D) Term for declaring the provoked appeal

    E) The request for an appeal

    F) Judging the provoked appeal

    3.2. The object of the appeal (main, incident or provoked)

    3.2.1. Decisions issued in first instance. Conditions

    3.2.2. Preliminary closings. Particulars

    3.3. The subjects of the appeal

    3.3.1. The parties of the judgment in first instance

    ###A) The quality as party

    B) The interest in exercising the appeal

    C) Other issues

    3.3.2. The persons alien to the lawsuit

    3.3.3. The prosecutor

    3.3.4. The lawyer

    3.4. The intimation of the appeal court

    3.4.1. The competent court

    3.4.2. The term to appeal

    A) The common right term to appeal

    B) Other terms to appeal

    C) The term to appeal for the prosecutor

    D) The principle of equipollence

    E) Interruption of the term to appeal

    1. Death of the party that has an interest to appeal

    1.1. Concept

    1.2. The effects of the interruption of the term to appeal

    1.3. The exercise of the appeal by the inheritors. Effects

    2. Death of the authorized agent

    2.1. Concept

    2.2. The effect of the interruption of the term to appeal

    3. Existence of a circumstance beyond the will of the party

    3.1. Concept

    3.2. The effect of the interruption of the term to appeal

    F) Penalty for not-observing the term

    3.4.3. The request for an appeal The contents of the request for appeal Paying the fees corresponding to the appeal

    A) General rules

    B) Not paying the correspondent fees may lead to dismiss the appeal

    as being belatedly introduced? Submitting the request for an appeal

    A) The court with which the request is registered

    B) Registering the request for appeal The effects of the request for appeal

    A) Boundaries of the devolute effect

    B) Derogations from the boundaries of the devolute effect

    C) Cases in which the appeal has not a devolute character

    3.5. Judging the appeal

    3.5.1. Preliminarily procedure in the appeal court

    A) Forwarding the file to the appeal court

    B) Obligations incumbent to the president of the appeal court

    C) Obligations incumbent to the department`s president

    3.5.2. The contestation

    3.5.3. The structure of the panel of judges

    3.5.4. Rules regarding the judgment

    3.5.5. Solutions that can be pronounced by the appeal court Keeping or changing the sentence The principle "non reformatio in pejus" ###

    A) Concept

    B) Characteristic

    C) Area of application

    D) Applying the principle also to other participants who have

    not declared appeal

    E) Exercising the appeal by the prosecutor

    F) Applying the principle in the stage of retrial after the appeal

    was admitted

    G) The principle of "non reformatio in pejus"

    and the absolute exceptions Repelling the sentence Declaring the sentence void Decisions on the appeal in the interest of the law

    3.6. Returning the file

    4. The recourse

    4.1. The form of the recourse

    4.2. The object of the recourse

    4.2.1. Decision issued without right to appeal

    4.2.2. Decisions issued during the appeal

    4.2.3. Preliminarily closings

    4.3. The subjects of the recourse

    4.4. Intimation of the recourse court

    4.4.1. The competent court to settle the recourse

    4.4.2. The term for recourse

    A) The common right term to recourse

    B) Other terms to recourse

    C) Prolonging the term for recourse

    D) The term to appeal for the prosecutor

    E) The principle of equipollence

    F) Interruption of the term to recourse

    G) Penalties for failure to observe the term for recourse

    4.4.3. The request for recourse Contents of the request for recurs Point of view of the Constitutional Court on the article 3021

    paragraph 1, point a) Civil Procedural Code Decisions on the recourse in the interest of the law The term within which the recourse has to be grounded Penalty for failure to properly ground the recourse The situation when to prosecutor took part at the proceedings Paying the proper fees fro the recourse Submitting the request for recourse

    A) The court where the request is submitted

    B) Registering the request for recourse Effects of the request for recourse

    4.4.4. Grounds for recourse###

    A) The grounds for cassation

    B) The grounds for modification

    4.4.5. The recourse exercised according to the article 3041 Civil Procedural Code

    4.5. Judging the recourse

    4.5.1. Preliminary procedure at the recourse court

    A) Forwarding the file to the recourse court

    B) Obligations incumbent to the president of the recourse court

    and the president of the department

    4.5.2. Contestation

    4.5.3. Structure of the judge panel

    4.5.4. Rules regarding the judgment

    A) Highlights of the judgment progress

    B) Proofs in the recourse. Limitations

    4.5.5. Settlements in recourse Admitting the recourse Cassation of the decision

    A) Cassation with holding the case

    B) Cassation with sending the case

    C) Cassation on grounds on incompetence Modifying the decision The effects of admitting the recourse Judging in the main after cassation or modification

    A) The attributions of the court retrialing the substance

    1. Limitations

    2. The type of the decision that will be pronounced after retrial

    3. The structure of the panel that re-judges in the main after

    the cassation or modification

    B) The compulsoriness of the decision for cassation or modification

    C) Applying the principle "non reformatio in pejus" Recourse dismissal Annulling the recourse Recourse obsolescence

    4.5.6. Restoring the file

    5. The cancellation appeal

    5.1. Types of the cancellation appeal. Particulars

    5.1.1. Usual cancellation appeal

    A) Motives

    B) Admissibility of the common law cancellation appeal

    C) Which decision is appealed?

    5.1.2. Special cancellation appeal

    A) Motives

    B) Admissibility of the special cancellation appeal

    5.2. Judging the cancellation appeal

    5.2.1. The competent court

    5.2.2. The structure of the panel

    5.2.3. The request

    5.2.4. Term for exercise### Overall issues

    5.2.5. The parties of the cancellation appeal

    5.2.6. The trial procedure Applying the sue at law judgment rules Contestation Suspension of the execution Solution to the cancellation appeal Appeal on the decision issued in the cancellation appeal

    6. The revision

    6.1. The object of the revision

    6.2. The admissibility of the revision

    6.3. The cause for revision

    6.3.1. If the ruling contains contrary dispositions which cannot

    be accomplished - article 322 point 1 Civil Procedural Code

    6.3.2. If it was pronounced on issues that were not asked or if it was

    not pronounced on the asked issue, or if it granted more than it was asked

    - article 322 point 2 Civil Procedural Code

    6.3.3. If the object of the case does no longer exist - article 322 point 3

    Civil Procedural Code

    6.3.4. If a judge, a witness or an expert that took part in the trial was permanently

    convicted for an offence regarding the case or if the court`s order was issued

    based on a writing declared to be a forgery during or following the judgment

    or if a magistrate was disciplinary sanctioned for having practiced his function

    with ill-meaning or with serious negligence in that specific case - article 322

    point 4 Civil Procedural Code

    6.3.5. If, after the ruling, written evidence was discovered, withheld by

    the opposed party or which could not be presented out of a circumstance

    beyond the parties` will or if the decision on which the decision to be audited

    was repealed or modified - article 322 point 5 Civil Procedural Code

    6.3.6. If the State or other public law or public utility legal persons,

    the disappeared, the persons under an incapacity or those placed under

    a trusteeship were not defended at all or they were defended with falseness

    by those meant to defend them - article 322 point 6 Civil Procedural Code

    6.3.7. If there are contrary decisions issued by courts of same rank or

    of different ranks in the same case, between the same parties having

    the same capacity - article 322 point 7 Civil Procedural Code

    6.3.8. If the party was encumbered to appear at the judgment and to notify

    the court on this problem, out of a circumstance beyond its will - article 322

    point 8 Civil Procedural Code

    6.3.9. If the European Court of Human Rights ascertained a breach

    of the fundamental rights and liberties due to a court order,

    and the serious consequences of this breach continue to happen and

    can be remedied only through a audit of the pronounced decision

    - article 322 point 9 Civil Procedural Code

    6.4. Judging the request for revision

    6.4.1. The competent court###

    6.4.2. The structure of the panel

    6.4.3. The request for re-examination

    6.4.4. Term of exercise

    6.4.5. The parties to the re-examination

    6.4.6. The trial procedure for the re-examination Applying the same judging rules as those in the stage of judging

    the sue at law request The debates` limitations The contestation Suspending the execution Solution on the request for audit The appeal against the decision issued on the audit

    7. The recourse for the interest of the law

    8. Reexamination

    8.1. Reexamination as stipulated by the Civil Procedural Code

    8.1.1. Object

    8.1.2. Active procedural justification

    8.1.3. Term for formulation

    8.1.4. Settling procedure

    8.2. Reexamination as it is regulated by the Act no. 146/1997

    8.2.1. Object

    8.2.2. Active procedural justification

    8.2.3. Term for formulation

    8.2.4. Settling procedure



    1. The presidential decree

    1.1. Admissibility requirements

    A) Emergency

    B) The provisional characteristic of the measure

    C) Non bringing prejudice to the basics of the case

    1.2. Judging the presidential decree

    1.2.1. The competent court

    1.2.2. The request for a presidential decree

    1.2.3. The contestation

    1.2.4. The counter claim

    1.2.5. Trial proceedings

    A) Aspects regarding subpoenaing the parties

    B) The term for solving

    C) Rules for trial proceedings

    D) Judgment expenses

    E) Transforming the decree into a common law action

    F) Relatedness and pendency

    G) The ruling

    1. Particulars

    2. Appeals###

    3. The power of res judicata

    2. The restoration of the missing writings and decisions

    2.1. The restoration of the writings or files disappeared from a pending case

    2.1.1. The competent court

    2.1.2. Procedure to be followed

    2.2. The restoration of the missing decisions

    2.2.1. The competent court

    2.2.2. Procedure to be followed

    A) The manner in which the court will proceed

    B) Dismissal of the request for restoring the decision

    C) Declaring the restored decision void

    3. About payment offers, deposits and registrations

    3.1. Payment offer

    A) Lawfulness requirements

    B) The real offer procedure

    C) Can the real offer be made in front of the court?

    D) The effects of the real offer

    3.2. The deposit

    A) When is it done?

    B) Lawfulness requirements for the deposit and registration

    3.3. The court`s intimation

    A) The competent court

    B) Form of the request of the request for the court`s intimation

    C) Object of the request

    D) Effects of the validation decision

    E) Expenses related to the real offer and the deposits and registrations

    3.4. The procedure of the real offer when the owed good is a certain thing

    4. The divorce

    4.1. Ways of dissolving the marriage through divorce

    4.2. The competent court

    A) The court that is materially competent

    B) The court that is territorially competent

    4.3. The intimation of the court

    4.3.1. Active procedural justification

    4.3.2. The request for a divorce

    A) Contents

    B) Fees

    C) Submitting the request

    D) Setting up the term

    4.3.3. Contestation

    4.3.4. The counter claim

    A) Term for submission

    B) Penalty for failure to submit the counter claim in due term

    C) Judging the counter claim

    D) Is the counter claim mandatory?

    4.3.5. The request for alimony###

    4.3.6. Taking some temporarily measures

    4.4. The judging procedures for the divorce

    4.4.1. The personal appearance of the parties

    4.4.2. The mandatory presence of the claimant

    4.4.3. Subpoenaing the defendant

    4.4.4. The public feature of the judging séance

    A) The rule

    B) The exception

    4.4.5. Particulars regarding the proofs

    A) Departs from the common law

    B) Point of view of the Constitutional Court on the article 612

    paragraph (6) Civil Procedural Code

    C) Hearing the infants

    D) Hearing the tutelary authority

    4.4.6. Disposition documents of the parties

    4.4.7. The divorce ruling

    A) Particulars

    B) Solutions on the divorce

    C) Ways of appeal

    4.5. The divorce with the agreement of the parties

    5. The procedure for the legal partition

    5.1. The competent court

    5.1.1. Material competence

    5.1.2. Territorial competence

    5.2. The request for trial

    5.2.1. Special elements of the request for partition

    5.2.2. The sanction for the lack of the special elements

    5.2.3. Supplementing the amount of the goods to be partitioned

    5.2.4. The limitation of the right to action

    5.3. The partition procedure

    5.3.1. Gathering the parties` declaration

    5.3.2. The partition through the parties` agreement

    5.3.3. Stages of the partition Issuing the closing according to article 6736 paragraph 1

    Civil Procedural Code

    A) Contents. Particulars

    B) Expert`s report

    C) The optional characteristic of the closing

    D) The effects of incompetence or obsolescence regarding the closing

    E) Issuing a new closing

    F) The appeal against the closing The partition itself

    A) Ways of realizing the partition

    1. The partition in nature

    1.1. General aspects

    1.2. Criteria considered when forming and allotting the shares###

    1.3. The balance

    2. Assigning the goods

    2.1 Temporary assignment

    2.1.1. When it comes to the temporarily allotting has the total

    partition mass to be composed of a single good?

    2.1.2. At what moment of the trail the application of the article

    67310 paragraph 1, Civil Procedural Code can be done?

    2.1.3. The procedure for temporary assignment

    2.2. Final assignment

    2.3. Partition of the submitted amount of money

    3. Selling the goods

    3.1. The sale is made by the parties, according to their agreement

    3.2. The sale is made by the legal executor

    3.3. The deposit and registration of the price

    B) The ruling on the partition

    1. Type of ruling

    2. Effects of the ruling

    3. Execution of the ruling

    5.4. Closing the file

    6. Requests regarding possession

    6.1. Definition

    6.2. Particulars

    6.3. Classification

    6.4. Trial proceedings

    6.4.1. Requirements for exercise

    A) Special requirements for the action in complaint

    B) Special requirements for the action in reintegration

    6.4.2. The competent court

    6.4.3. Active procedural justification Overall issues The situation of the common property

    A) As to the relations between the common owners

    B) As to the relations towards third parties

    6.4.4. Particulars regarding the judgment

    6.4.5. The decision

    7. Dispositions regarding the solving of the litigation in the commercial area

    7.1. The competence as to commercial litigations

    7.1.1. Material competence

    7.1.2. Territorial competence

    7.2. The direct conciliation procedure. Particulars

    7.3. The intimation of the court

    7.3.1. The request for trial

    A) Contents

    B) The applicable sanctions

    7.3.2. Obligations to be fulfilled when submitting the request

    7.3.3. Particulars regarding the insurance measures that are to be taken###

    7.4. Contestation and counter claim

    7.4.1. Contestation. Mandatory characteristic

    7.4.2. Counter claim

    7.5. The trial proceedings

    7.5.1. Assisting the parties or their representatives

    7.5.2. Obligations regarding the accomplishment of the subpoenaing

    and communication procedures

    7.5.3. The progress with celerity of the trial

    7.5.4. Participation of third parties in commercial litigations

    7.5.5. The persistence in settling the litigation through

    the agreement of the parties

    7.5.6. Ruling in commercial area

    7.6. The common law feature of the procedure within the Chapter XIV


    1. The forms of the arbitration

    2. Litigations that can be solved through arbitration

    3. The arbitral convention

    3.1. Concept. Lawfulness requirements

    3.2. Forms of the arbitral convention

    A) The clause of compromise

    B) The compromise

    3.3. Contents of the arbitral convention

    3.4. Effects of the of the arbitral convention

    3.4.1. Exclusion of competence of the State`s court

    3.4.2. Cases when the competent court is the State`s court

    4. Arbitrators

    4.1. Who can be an arbitrator?

    4.2. The number of arbitrators

    4.3. Appointment of arbitrators

    A) Invitation launched to the opposed party to appoint the arbitrators

    B) The answer to the proposal for appointing arbitrators

    C) Acceptance of the duty as arbitrator

    D) Appointment of the over-arbitrator

    E) Disagreements between parties. Solution

    4.4. Challenge, abstention and replacement of arbitrators

    A) Reasons for challenge and abstention

    B) The challenge procedure

    4.5. Replacement of the arbitrators

    4.6. The arbitrators` liability

    5. Establishing the arbitral court

    A) Date of establishing

    B) Significance of the date of establishing the court

    6. Intimation of the arbitral court

    6.1. Request for arbitration

    6.2. Requests that can be formulated by the defendant ###

    6.2.1. Contestation

    6.2.2. Counter claim

    7. Length of the arbitration

    8. The place of arbitration

    9. The arbitration procedure

    9.1. Applicable principles

    9.2. Establishing the terms for the debates

    9.3. Participation of parties in the debates

    9.3.1. Representation

    9.3.2. Request for judging in absence

    9.3.3. Consequence of the parties` failure to attend

    9.4. Communication of the litigation`s writings

    9.5. Administration of the proofs

    9.6. First day in court

    9.6.1. Invoking exceptions

    9.6.2. Significance

    9.7. Séance`s closing report

    10. The arbitration ruling

    10.1. Deliberation and pronunciation

    A) Overall issues

    B) The necessary number of votes to issue the ruling

    C) Appointing the over-arbitrator

    D) Judgment on grounds of law and on grounds of equity

    10.2. The contents of the arbitration ruling

    10.2.1. Elements

    10.2.2. Arbitration expenses

    10.3. Communication of the arbitral decision

    10.4. Correcting and completing the decision

    10.5. Submitting the file with a court

    11. Declaring the arbitration ruling void

    11.1. The action for annulment - reasons

    11.2. Dropping the action for annulment

    11.3. Competence for settling

    11.4. Term for exercise

    11.5. Adjourning the execution of the decision

    11.6. The legal nature of the action for annulment

    11.7. Procedural aspects

    A) Structure of the panel

    B) The manner in which the court will act

    C) The appeal

    12. Enforcement of the arbitration ruling

    12.1. Execution of one`s own will

    12.2. Investing the decision with executor`s formula

    13. International arbitration

    14. Acknowledging and executing foreign arbitration decisions


  • Titlu: Drept procesual civil vol.I - II. Editia a II-a revazuta si adaugita
  • Pret: 120,00 RON
  • ISBN: 978-973-127-026-5
  • Format: Academic 17x24
  • Pagini:
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