A translational approach to commercial legal texts. Norms and sources of deviation according to the theory of relevance
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64,00 lei
64,00 lei

A translational approach to commercial legal texts. Norms and sources of deviation according to the theory of relevance
- Cod:7162021
- Autor: Mihaela Luminița Neagu
- Publicat de: Editura Pro Universitaria
- Colectia: Filologie
- Data aparitiei: Martie 2025
Termen de livrare
2 zile lucratoareReduceri
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Protectia platii online- Titlu: A translational approach to commercial legal texts. Norms and sources of deviation according to the theory of relevance
- Pret: 64,00 RON
- ISBN: 978-606-26-1328-0
- Format: Academic
- Pagini: 400
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Mihaela Luminița Neagu
Luminița Mihaela Neagu is a freelance translator and business development consultant. She has formerly worked as in-house legal translator for several local law firms. As a PhD candidate she has published a number of articles on translation studies and applied linguistics in Romanian specialized...
Luminița Mihaela Neagu is a freelance translator and business development consultant. She has formerly worked as in-house legal translator for several local law firms. As a PhD candidate she has published a number of articles on translation studies and applied linguistics in Romanian specialized...
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